Tuesday, January 30, 2007
from Sam the soundman

Greetings to all
My name is Sam Safier and I am the former Production Director and Stage Crew Coordinator for Reggae on the River. I was a tech on the Stage Crew previous to that, a Band Shuttle driver previous to that, a Site Crew worker previous to that and a paying patron before all of that. I grew up in Southern Humboldt going to shows at the Mateel and have been part of Reggae on the river for the last 13 years. I love music and sound production and had always dreamed of being part of the production of Reggae on the River.
I was given the opportunity when my dad introduced me to Jimmy Dangler the Production Director and Stage Manger for Reggae at the time. Working Stage Crew at Reggae is no joke and I learned fast the first year. The whole time what kept me motivated was the love for being part of something bigger than myself. After Jimmy had a stroke I was asked to fill his shoes and run the production of Reggae on the River. I also bought his company The Mateel Sound Company whose contracts with ROR, PP, and MCC are vital to its operation.
It was no small task putting together the pieces of the puzzle that Jimmy had left behind. It would not have been possible for me to do my job if it wasn’t for the support of the veteran staff of People Productions. I am forever thankful to all the staff that accepted me as part of the team. What I think people are missing is the reality that by “firing” Carol the MCC got rid of more than one figure head. We were all employees of People Productions and the insults that were being shouted towards PP were felt by all of us.
The years of training and experience that come from working on site are invaluable. It is impossible to train for experiences like being there at ground zero when the gates open, or getting the bowl ready 15 minutes before it opens, or on stage when the show is 15 minutes behind. One look down that list from the ad we took out says it all. What happens when you have an untrained and inexperienced staff running a show of this caliber? Who knows? Do you want to risk the entire future of Reggae on the River and the Mateel Community Center on that? I know it scares the daylights out of me.
I love Reggae on the River and hope to still be going when I am an old man. The most gratifying feeling of my life was standing in the light tower on Saturday night and seeing the thousand of people enjoying the show and knowing that I was part of making that happen. I have dreams of seeing the same thing 50 years from now. At this point I hope that Reggae has any future. Reggae is bigger than any one of us. Bigger that any person, musician, band, company, ED, board, or community center. I hope to be part of that future but under the current circumstances I don’t see how.
Does the Mateel really expect all of us coordinators to come begging for our jobs for next year? Do they expect us to come crawling back after they publicly disgraced both the company that we work for and the person that is the heart and soul of this event. Why should we come back? To teach the new company how to run the festival and train the new staff that will replace us? I feel a strong allegiance to both Reggae on the River and People Productions but right now I am disappointed by the Mateel Community Center and the lack of class that they have shown in dealing with this situation. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Mateel, but right now I am unsure of my future with it. Regardless of personal feelings everyone deserves the professional respect that we would expect to be given to anyone. Carol Bruno and People Productions deserve to be treated with more respect than we have been given.
Carol is the hardest working person I have ever known. She is also one of the kindest and most caring people on this earth. Her ability to manage coordinators, staff, volunteers, vendors, bands and patrons all at once is amazing. Her warm heart and positive reputation in the music business has been a huge part of Reggae's success. If you were at the Dimmick Ranch this summer you understand the miracle that we pulled off in making Reggae happen. It was amazing experience to be a part of. I have never been as proud of anything as I was to help produce a successful show last year. Everyone came together and worked towards the same common goal of making Reggae happen.
It is sad because you don't hear from any of the people that actually poured their sweat and blood into moving Reggae to its new home. Everyone thinks that they can do a better job looking in from the outside. I don't think that most people have a real understanding of what it takes to organize an event on this scale. There is a huge responsibility in producing a concert of this magnitude in such a rural area. Poor planning and lack of execution can and will result in more than an unsuccessful event: a serious disaster could occur. When I took over for Jimmy I had a mantra that I kept using to help me in difficult situations. It was “what would Jimmy do?”. In this situation I ask myself that same question. I think Jimmy would be standing right by Carol’s side and that is what I intend to do.
Last year we moved the event for them, this year we teach them how to run it, so next year will they have no need for us anymore and then “Boots” us to the curb like they did to Carol? Now that we have done all the work are we to sit back and watch as this political coup takes place. It seems obvious that this was planned out and mediation was never intended to succeed. If the Mateel determined that "The MCC board feels that a short term licensing of the event is the best course of action." then why did they not license the event to People Productions? It is unfair of the Board and Staff of the MCC to put us coordinators in this position. It is a great responsibility to sign our names off on this event. Each and every one of us has made huge sacrifices to help make Reggae succeed.
We trusted Carol and her judgment. Are we to be expected to trust the judgment of a producer hired by a board and ED that have already proven their inefficiency in dealing with difficult situations? How can we be ensured that this won’t result in a disaster? What guarantee is there that we won’t just be replaced after we give up our knowledge of how to run the show? How do we know if we haven’t already been replaced? What guarantee does the Mateel have to offer us? For some coordinators the decision that we have to make is a difficult one. For me I don’t think that there is any other choice to be made. I will stand by Carol and People Productions.
Working for Reggae on the River was the job of my dreams. It is a sad day in my life when I have to walk away from something I love so much. I am forever thankful for people like Carol and Jimmy D who paved the way for me. It would be dishonorable for me to continue to work for Reggae on the River under the current circumstances. Without the knowledge and experience that our staff has Reggae on the River is going to suffer severely. I know in my heart that even thought the battle is over the war is yet to be won. I will fight till the end for Reggae and the values that we all stand together for.
One Love
Sam Safier
Mateel Sound Company
Universal Balance Productions
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I've been to every Reggae on the River since 1986 and I've been following this story very closely as I have great concern for the future of the event. I don't really see myself as being on either "side" though I have friends on both "sides" and am fully aware that both factions have legitimate complaints. I also have nothing but absolute respect for the job that People Prod has done over the years as I have enjoyed myself immensely at many of their events and I have worked with them on occasion.
That said, I believe that there is a falicious assumption being made: that the event is a success. In fact, in the only fundamentally measurable way, the event is not a success at all but a failure, in that the concert's primary purpose is to raise funds for the Mateel which has apparently not happened.
I hope this all gets worked out and that both "sides" lay down their arms and get back to putting on a great show that acheives its mission and that we all party together again on the river.
That said, I believe that there is a falicious assumption being made: that the event is a success. In fact, in the only fundamentally measurable way, the event is not a success at all but a failure, in that the concert's primary purpose is to raise funds for the Mateel which has apparently not happened.
I hope this all gets worked out and that both "sides" lay down their arms and get back to putting on a great show that acheives its mission and that we all party together again on the river.
Sam the question that everyone wants answered is: What is Carol Bruno's stand?
Maybe you could clarify that for us.
Maybe you could clarify that for us.
Bob, I must have missed something somewhere in Sam's letter. I have not seen anything from the Mateel Community Center's Board or ED that casts aspersions on any of the Coordinators. Also despite I believe that coordinators work for Reggae on the River not People Productions.
ROTR has beeen run under the MCC's status as a non-profit. By law they must have an independent audit once their gross profits exceed a certain amount. An audit is not an accusation of Fraud as Carol has claimed but a requirement of doing business as a non-profit.That People Production has failed to produce the information needed to complete the audit is a fact.That Carol sent a letter terminating her contract to MCCat the end of October as well as annoucing it publicly in front of 150 people (over 350 views on Youtube) is a fact.
Most of Sam's letter is innuendo and supposition as to motives of people he doesn't even know.
I for one am saddened by the stance taken by a small group of people. Speaking like this about an organization that has only tried to do good for the greater Community . People Productions had a responsibility to the MCC and its members to control costs and return a reasonable profit. Failure to do so for 2 years in a row is usually enough to trigger some review of the business.
These are known facts I am talking about not speculation.
Respectfully Rohn
ROTR has beeen run under the MCC's status as a non-profit. By law they must have an independent audit once their gross profits exceed a certain amount. An audit is not an accusation of Fraud as Carol has claimed but a requirement of doing business as a non-profit.That People Production has failed to produce the information needed to complete the audit is a fact.That Carol sent a letter terminating her contract to MCCat the end of October as well as annoucing it publicly in front of 150 people (over 350 views on Youtube) is a fact.
Most of Sam's letter is innuendo and supposition as to motives of people he doesn't even know.
I for one am saddened by the stance taken by a small group of people. Speaking like this about an organization that has only tried to do good for the greater Community . People Productions had a responsibility to the MCC and its members to control costs and return a reasonable profit. Failure to do so for 2 years in a row is usually enough to trigger some review of the business.
These are known facts I am talking about not speculation.
Respectfully Rohn
My question for Sam and crew is, Did not Carol herself stand before hundreds of people and give her resignation? Also, in print she did this. From there the mateel did the responsible thing and went forward to protect their asset.
It's very simple and straight forward.
It's very simple and straight forward.
MCC, after PP became an independent production company, enjoyed some of the highest returns from ROTR in the show's 23 year history. Although MCC made less than hoped for in 2005 and 2006, the show has NEVER lost money. This is a miracle in the music / entertainment industry. 2005 and 2006 were the years in which the price of gas almost doubled. That drove prices up on everything. Still, the shows, while not netting what was hoped for, at least did not lose money. If only 2 out of 23 shows have had disappointing bottom lines, well, a 90% success rate is pretty damn good in show biz.
MCC's current ED, and BoD, is showing poor judgement, in my opinion. 2006 incurred the huge expense of moving the event to a new venue. 2007 was bound to make more money for the MCC, because all of the work of moving had been done and paid for. Why dump PP, and bring in a wild card (2b1) while alienating many long-time staff members? Why chop the head off the body of ROTR, and expect it to keep walking, without stumbling? Why be surprised, if some core staff members have a problem with jumping on the MCC bandwagon?
Sam spoke from his heart. Many people loyal to, and respectfull of PP, have also spoken from their heats.
Rohn, facts are facts. MCC, for the past 2-plus years, have spent money like it is going on trees, in spite of the depressed economy, and in spite of knowing ROTR 2006 was bound to make less money, because of the expenses involved in moving to the new venue.
Why cut your budget? Why stop paying your staff to work on hoedowns, etc? Why stop adding even more employees to the MCC staff, which has become more and more bloated over the past two years?
Why exercize restraint, rather than take out lines of credit, and mortgage the building, which was owned free and clear by MCC more than a decade ago?
Why refuse the offer of a guarantee from PP, in spring of 2006, so all of the "unknown expenses" for the move to a new venue would be born upon the shoulders, and bank accounts, of PP.
MCC won their spin at the "wheel of fortune" for so many years, because they chose to accept the risk, as opposed to a guarantee. This served them well for many years, when the economy was good.
They turned down a hefty guarantee in 2006, gambling that taking the "risk" would pay off big, like it has for so many years.
MCC chose to risk the community center's financial future on rolling the dice. They blew it. Now they want to blame PP. Maybe they should join Gambler's Anonymous, instead.
MCC's current ED, and BoD, is showing poor judgement, in my opinion. 2006 incurred the huge expense of moving the event to a new venue. 2007 was bound to make more money for the MCC, because all of the work of moving had been done and paid for. Why dump PP, and bring in a wild card (2b1) while alienating many long-time staff members? Why chop the head off the body of ROTR, and expect it to keep walking, without stumbling? Why be surprised, if some core staff members have a problem with jumping on the MCC bandwagon?
Sam spoke from his heart. Many people loyal to, and respectfull of PP, have also spoken from their heats.
Rohn, facts are facts. MCC, for the past 2-plus years, have spent money like it is going on trees, in spite of the depressed economy, and in spite of knowing ROTR 2006 was bound to make less money, because of the expenses involved in moving to the new venue.
Why cut your budget? Why stop paying your staff to work on hoedowns, etc? Why stop adding even more employees to the MCC staff, which has become more and more bloated over the past two years?
Why exercize restraint, rather than take out lines of credit, and mortgage the building, which was owned free and clear by MCC more than a decade ago?
Why refuse the offer of a guarantee from PP, in spring of 2006, so all of the "unknown expenses" for the move to a new venue would be born upon the shoulders, and bank accounts, of PP.
MCC won their spin at the "wheel of fortune" for so many years, because they chose to accept the risk, as opposed to a guarantee. This served them well for many years, when the economy was good.
They turned down a hefty guarantee in 2006, gambling that taking the "risk" would pay off big, like it has for so many years.
MCC chose to risk the community center's financial future on rolling the dice. They blew it. Now they want to blame PP. Maybe they should join Gambler's Anonymous, instead.
Nice PB
can you sign your spin next time?
If I am wrong I will sign my name next time.
No More Carolling & PBing
can you sign your spin next time?
If I am wrong I will sign my name next time.
No More Carolling & PBing
Anonymous 8:45
Why don't you sign your post? I stand behind my questions. I stopped working as a volunteer at Reggae 13 years ago when it became obvious that the spending and perks had got out of control . Nothing in your post changes the fact that an event that grossed almost $2 million in 2005 returned less than 5% to the MCC. $3 million gross in 2006 and a 0% profit. Cost to move to new location $74,385.00.
Gross wages 2005 $278,822, 2006 $441,871
2005 PP fee $152,000 2006 185,000
All figures from Carol's handouts at the MCC membership meeting. These do not add up to the extra $ million in Gross.
As to the statement "They turned down a hefty guarantee in 2006, " . The offer was described in handout by Hannah Nelson as $200,000 a year over 10 years. This is not a hefty buy out for a business that grosses $3 million a year and has growth potential. #12 of her points also states that if " the event only brings in $300k then there is a get out clause". Sounds like a non-guarantee kind of guarantee.
The ED and the Board of Directors have a fiduciary duty to the members of the MCC. They have to treat it as if it were their own money.PP on the other hand could be very generous because (as I read at Eric Kirk's blog) " it is easy to be genourous with somebody else's money." All the extra perks and all the "leakage" is on the Mateel's dime not PP's. $51,000 in hospitality t-shirts. Venue rent that goes from $77k in 2005 to 205k in 2006. All negotiated by PP.
The fiscal irresposibility is theirs not the MCC Board.
Diversifying the income stream by developing other events makes good business sense.
As to other posters on the blogs I say imagine what this community could have achieved if the true profits that were possible had been realized.
It is time to move forward and try to make the imagined into Reality. Don't be afraid of change.
Remember "Resistance is futile" ;>)
Why don't you sign your post? I stand behind my questions. I stopped working as a volunteer at Reggae 13 years ago when it became obvious that the spending and perks had got out of control . Nothing in your post changes the fact that an event that grossed almost $2 million in 2005 returned less than 5% to the MCC. $3 million gross in 2006 and a 0% profit. Cost to move to new location $74,385.00.
Gross wages 2005 $278,822, 2006 $441,871
2005 PP fee $152,000 2006 185,000
All figures from Carol's handouts at the MCC membership meeting. These do not add up to the extra $ million in Gross.
As to the statement "They turned down a hefty guarantee in 2006, " . The offer was described in handout by Hannah Nelson as $200,000 a year over 10 years. This is not a hefty buy out for a business that grosses $3 million a year and has growth potential. #12 of her points also states that if " the event only brings in $300k then there is a get out clause". Sounds like a non-guarantee kind of guarantee.
The ED and the Board of Directors have a fiduciary duty to the members of the MCC. They have to treat it as if it were their own money.PP on the other hand could be very generous because (as I read at Eric Kirk's blog) " it is easy to be genourous with somebody else's money." All the extra perks and all the "leakage" is on the Mateel's dime not PP's. $51,000 in hospitality t-shirts. Venue rent that goes from $77k in 2005 to 205k in 2006. All negotiated by PP.
The fiscal irresposibility is theirs not the MCC Board.
Diversifying the income stream by developing other events makes good business sense.
As to other posters on the blogs I say imagine what this community could have achieved if the true profits that were possible had been realized.
It is time to move forward and try to make the imagined into Reality. Don't be afraid of change.
Remember "Resistance is futile" ;>)
I have been around here a long time. I was involved in the original Firemans Hall. The vibe was selfless and actually community oriented. By our deeds we shall be known. I have kept silent but enough is enough.
Make no mistake about it. THE MATEEL COMMUNITY CENTER IS US! For anyone to tear that down for any agenda is doing the entire community, (all of us), a huge disservice. To lose The Mateel would be like losing KMUD. You may or may not agree with everything board members of either one does but you DO NOT throw out the baby with the bath water. Your recourse is to get involved, make your voice heard or even run for the board yourself. There are elections. You can run for the board of The Mateel, but you can't run for anything in People Productions. This is only one reason that ROTR needs to stay under the auspices of Mateel. Once it's gone, it's gone. The very fact that they are even willing to put one of this communities greatest assets at risk, tells you something about their character. Mateel was built by and for all of us, including them, but not just them. The people built it with the insurance money, a lot of hard work and good luck born of good kharma.
Obviously ROTR has been a huge boon in making things happen since it's inception and for that we are grateful. And yes it's obviously a huge job. Those putting it on should be paid a reasonable, or even a more than reasonable salary. If Carol Bruno's salary were tied to a percentage after Mateel is paid, probably no one would care. In fact, if Mateel had been paid it's due, none of this would have happened, to state the obvious.$185,000 not counting anyone else in her family is not a bad payday. Compare that with Tanya Stapps salary.
This thing hit the fan when PP shorted the Mateel, (us), it's $250,000. This is not the 1st time this has happenned. Is that how their "guarantee" would work? Offering 6.4% of the money owed is not a generally agreed upon business practice. The fact that it came with a bad attitude didn't help. Not counting that Mateel paid the over $70,000 to move the site and create permant infrastructure that Tom Dimmick now owns, and controls. For PP to scream, (yes scream), that the Mateel created this mess by going public with this would be laughable if it weren't so grim. The Mateel IS a public entity. If they hadn't informed the members, it would have been a serious breach.
The attacks started almost immediately, and it is painfully obvious that almost all of the attacks have come from the PP side. They certainly know how to dish it out, but if anyone wants to point any of this out they are threatened. I wanted to be nuetral, but they keep telling me who they are. Everyone please stop this!
One of the worst things about winners is they create losers. I want all of us to win, including PP but they have forced this to a head.
Reggae is NOT more important than the community center. If we lose ROTR it would terrible, but to lose our community center would be massively devastating!
It doesn't have to be that way. ROTR CAN happen. The non prophets would all want to be involved. The site coordinators can keep their jobs if they want them. I don't know what kind of salarys are being offered by PP. Probably more than they will get from Mateel, but still decent I would hope. Most of the people are volunteers, just like the original builders of the hall.
If People Productions truly care about this community and are willing to walk their talk, they will GRACEFULLY step aside and be thankful for the incredible experiences they have had. They will encourage all of the staff to support the community center that belongs to all of us. If safety is truly an issue that PP is so concerned about and it's not the money, then one can only assume they'll stay around to help. We honor their expertise and commitment.
It is time to quit sinking the boat. We may be in drydock for a while, but this could be better than ever in the future if we quit drawing lines in the sand and start working together the way we used to.
I know we all love this community. Love & peace please.
Make no mistake about it. THE MATEEL COMMUNITY CENTER IS US! For anyone to tear that down for any agenda is doing the entire community, (all of us), a huge disservice. To lose The Mateel would be like losing KMUD. You may or may not agree with everything board members of either one does but you DO NOT throw out the baby with the bath water. Your recourse is to get involved, make your voice heard or even run for the board yourself. There are elections. You can run for the board of The Mateel, but you can't run for anything in People Productions. This is only one reason that ROTR needs to stay under the auspices of Mateel. Once it's gone, it's gone. The very fact that they are even willing to put one of this communities greatest assets at risk, tells you something about their character. Mateel was built by and for all of us, including them, but not just them. The people built it with the insurance money, a lot of hard work and good luck born of good kharma.
Obviously ROTR has been a huge boon in making things happen since it's inception and for that we are grateful. And yes it's obviously a huge job. Those putting it on should be paid a reasonable, or even a more than reasonable salary. If Carol Bruno's salary were tied to a percentage after Mateel is paid, probably no one would care. In fact, if Mateel had been paid it's due, none of this would have happened, to state the obvious.$185,000 not counting anyone else in her family is not a bad payday. Compare that with Tanya Stapps salary.
This thing hit the fan when PP shorted the Mateel, (us), it's $250,000. This is not the 1st time this has happenned. Is that how their "guarantee" would work? Offering 6.4% of the money owed is not a generally agreed upon business practice. The fact that it came with a bad attitude didn't help. Not counting that Mateel paid the over $70,000 to move the site and create permant infrastructure that Tom Dimmick now owns, and controls. For PP to scream, (yes scream), that the Mateel created this mess by going public with this would be laughable if it weren't so grim. The Mateel IS a public entity. If they hadn't informed the members, it would have been a serious breach.
The attacks started almost immediately, and it is painfully obvious that almost all of the attacks have come from the PP side. They certainly know how to dish it out, but if anyone wants to point any of this out they are threatened. I wanted to be nuetral, but they keep telling me who they are. Everyone please stop this!
One of the worst things about winners is they create losers. I want all of us to win, including PP but they have forced this to a head.
Reggae is NOT more important than the community center. If we lose ROTR it would terrible, but to lose our community center would be massively devastating!
It doesn't have to be that way. ROTR CAN happen. The non prophets would all want to be involved. The site coordinators can keep their jobs if they want them. I don't know what kind of salarys are being offered by PP. Probably more than they will get from Mateel, but still decent I would hope. Most of the people are volunteers, just like the original builders of the hall.
If People Productions truly care about this community and are willing to walk their talk, they will GRACEFULLY step aside and be thankful for the incredible experiences they have had. They will encourage all of the staff to support the community center that belongs to all of us. If safety is truly an issue that PP is so concerned about and it's not the money, then one can only assume they'll stay around to help. We honor their expertise and commitment.
It is time to quit sinking the boat. We may be in drydock for a while, but this could be better than ever in the future if we quit drawing lines in the sand and start working together the way we used to.
I know we all love this community. Love & peace please.
to Rohn and also to Anon 1:18,
you are true community members that have done the right thing and taken the high road and have gotten yourself properly informed. I applaud you for your voice of truth and I thank you for sharing it.
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you are true community members that have done the right thing and taken the high road and have gotten yourself properly informed. I applaud you for your voice of truth and I thank you for sharing it.
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