Sunday, January 07, 2007
Re: Anonymous comment on Welcome -- What is this?

Begin forwarded message:
From: Anonymous <>Date: January 7, 2007 8:47:13 PM PSTSubject: New comment on Welcome -- What is this?Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Welcome -- What is this?":
you're kidding me right ...? when i asked around ... all im hearing is ... blah blah blah
Reject this comment.
Posted by Anonymous to Reggae: Past, Present and Future at 1/07/2007 08:47:13 PM
Okay, in case you didn't actually read the post. I am moderating the comments here and deleting anonymous unattributed slurs and rumors of the "all i'm hearing" sort. Tell me who you are and exactly you asked if you want to contribute to the conversation. I realize it won't make for the drama you find in the troll battles elsewhere, but frankly I'm sick of anonymous bullshit. - Bob