Monday, February 12, 2007


The Mateel on failure of mediation

This came from Mateel E.D. Taunya Stapp:

Talks with Dimmick Fail to Resolve Reggae on the River® Site Dispute

February 12, 2007. Redway, CA

A mediation held on February 8, 2007, between the non-profit Mateel Community Center and Piercy landowner Tom Dimmick over whether Reggae on the River® would be held on the Dimmick Ranch failed to resolve the heated controversy. At issue is Dimmick's announcement that he intends to cancel the Mateel's ten-year lease because the non-profit ended its contract with the events promoter, People Productions, after that for-profit entity announced that it would not fulfill its obligations under the production agreement.

The long-standing contentious relationship between People Productions and the Mateel Community Center came to a climatic ending this year when it was announced that for two years the for-profit production company had raised little or no money for the community center. A recent attempt to audit People Productions’ Reggae on the River® accounting showed disturbing implications for the non-profit center. The audit was returned with a scope limitation showing three major areas of material weaknesses in the production company’s financial reporting that are material to the accuracy of the financial statements given to the Mateel's Board of Directors. Per contract, People Productions, LLC. collected the income, paid the expenses, and maintained the accounting records of Reggae on the River® 2005 -- yet did not fully cooperate with the auditor. Further, as former People Productions partner Paul Bassis left the partnership and moved to work as a representative of Tom Dimmick, an apparent conflict of interest and perceived ethical breaches only served to heighten suspicions.

The Mateel Community Center maintains that it's lease with Tom Dimmick is still valid and, accordingly, plans to put on Reggae on the River® 2007 are well under way with new promoter Boots Houghston of 2B1 Multimedia of San Francisco. The Mateel also maintains that People Productions founder and President Carol Bruno resigned publicly at the Mateel Community Center's annual meeting last November 2006 in front of 400 people. Bruno denies having done so. Bruno’s statement made at that meeting can be viewed at "".

"We are extremely disappointed that Tom Dimmick is not honoring his contract and his word," said Mateel Executive Director Taunya Stapp. "Furthermore, Dimmick's announcement that he plans to hold a similar reggae concert on the same dates on his land constitutes nothing less than a for-profit takeover of our non-profit's community-supporting event." The Mateel is considering all of its available options to ensure that Reggae on the River® 2007 will go on as planned.

Tom Dimmick has indicated that he plans on holding a multitude of events on his land every year as part of a larger plan. "That he feels he must destroy the community center's biggest fundraising event, which benefits scores of non-profit groups every year with much needed funds, is very sad. It would be hard to imagine how he could walk down the street and hold his head up in this town given what we know of his plans." She added, "Millions of dollars are at stake here. It's not surprising that some people are placing their own self-interest above that of the community. That is the community's investment that they will be reaping."

"The active and ongoing continued interference in our event simply will not be tolerated." said Mateel Vice-President Garth Epling. "Dimmick seems to be advocating a scorched earth policy regarding Reggae on the River® -- if he can't do it his way, then no one will have a concert. We believe in the spiritual message of reggae -- unity and respect. The concert will go on and the Mateel will prevail," added Epling.

Reggae on the River is a Registered Trademark of the Mateel Community Center.

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