Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Mossman responds

I would like to comment on the remarks that Boots made regarding Reggae medical and me. I am David Moss, "Mossman." I have been the medical coordinator at ROTR for over 10 years. First I would like to comment on the fact the "no one is indispensable." I agree with that statement, but let me clear up some "spew" or what I would call, misinformation.
First of all, Dr. Ross Chapman is a great guy, but he doesn't do Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, I do SNWMF along with my long time assistant, Patte Rae. Dr. Ross works as a volunteer for me at that festival. While Dr. Ross is a great guy, he has no idea of the logistics involved with coordinating the event. He has no personal relationship with any of the local agencies, ie: sheriff, CHP, Parks & Rec, CDF Ambulance Helicopter, etc... I am rarely able to even get in touch with him until the day of the event, so I would think that his ability to be available to handle all the personal issues will be minimal at best.
Dr. Bustamonte, excuse me, RN Bustamonte (once again check your info Boots) also works for me as a volunteer at that event. I think Boots, once again you should get your facts correct before spewing them out there. Misinformation does nobody any good. While the Bustomantes are excellent people and some of my very close friends, I doubt highly that they are up for the task of coordinating Reggae medical. Just because they showed up to one of your meetings doesn't mean they are now heading up your team (if we can even call it that at this point). While they are very capable at what they do, I don't believe they have the experience to pull together at team capable of doing Reggae. I haven't spoken with them since reading this article but intend to, and suggest you do as well.
As for Diana Totten, the fact that you can even post such misinformation amazes me. Where in the world (or should I say) when in the world did Diana ever tell you she would consult with you??? The fact that you are misleading the public into believing you have all these critical positions filled and covered speaks volumes (at least to me) as to how you are going about handling this event. One piece of non factual information after another.
As for the critical Incident team you mention that the Bustomantes have, please, again, I love them and have much respect for them, but they have no critical incident team, not in the sense of the team that we developed over the past 3 years at Reggae on the River. Also, I too have spoken with the critical incident team you mention in your interview and it seems that once again we have conflicting information. NONE of the actual Critical Incident Team is coming or thinking of coming back to an event that is being produced by someone other than People Productions. Thought you should know that, rather than trying to make people think you have all these very critical positions covered. You are a disaster waiting to happen and that really scares me!!!
Finally, I just want to say, that I appreciate the comments that Boots made about me personally, but to date we have never formally met, so I'm not sure how he draws his opinion. I will say that I did attend one of the meetings he held early and I was not impressed with the staff that was present. I expressed some of my concerns for the safety of the event and he said he wanted to talk with me privately. To this date, he has yet to attempt to talk with me about anything regarding the safety of patrons, volunteers or staff at Reggae on the River. It really amazes me how cavalier of a stance he is taking with such an important part of this show. Boots, if you want to continue to mislead the public, go for it, but the mess will fall directly on your shoulders -- remember you're here to "heal this community," I think those were your words at one of the first meetings -- Not doing such a good job at this point....
Reggae Emergency Services Coordinator,
SNWMF Emergency Services Coordinator,
Health & Harmony Festival Emergency Services Coordinator
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So Mossman, lets assume Boots and the Mateel win outright. How are your comments constructive in any way? The event, any event, will need medical services. There will be only one event. Why are you getting politically active in this situation???? Dont medical people swear to do no harm? The professionals do at least.
You have sworn allegiance to People Productions, and not the event in general. Why? It is entirely possible the Mateel will win outright and if that happens all you are doing is further ripping reggae apart.
You have sworn allegiance to People Productions, and not the event in general. Why? It is entirely possible the Mateel will win outright and if that happens all you are doing is further ripping reggae apart.
You need to stop criticizing people for standing by their morals and their beliefs. Just because you don't share the same view doesn't mean you need to try and pick apart his oppinion.
I agree and stand with Moss on this even though I've never met the man. Stand up and stand true, stand by what you believe.
I agree and stand with Moss on this even though I've never met the man. Stand up and stand true, stand by what you believe.
Yes, very peculiar indeed. A medical professional siding with one entity over another in a legal dispute. Why is he so loyal to PP? Curious. He should by all ethics be concerned about with coordinating a safe event for however does the festival.
I have met the man. I've known the man for many, many years. I have worked with him at ROTR, SNWMF, Harmony Fair, Earthdance, and Kate Wolf. I've done some scary, scary things with Mossman.
I can say without hesitation that David Moss' commitment to his staff, to his fellow volunteers, and to the patrons of the shows he runs is total. And if he says he's not doing it because he thinks it isn't safe, then that's what he means. I can also comfortably say that if he were in it for the money, he'd have quit a long time ago. David Moss has earned my unqualified respect.
Finally, I can say that David Moss has put together an organization that is unparalled at what they do. There are 3 or four people I know who have the chops to run an effort such as this and not only is he one of them, he's the best.
And I take strong issue with any suggestion that he should put his concerns aside for any reason. Until YOU have had the distinction of having someone die on YOUR lap, while YOU held there hand, YOU have absolutely no right whatsoever to suggest to HIM what his loyalties should be.
Eric Elliott
Psych Crew, ROTR 2002-2006
Medical, ROTR 1991-1997
Medical, SNWMF - 2002-2006
Medical, Earthdance - 2003-2006
Medical, HSMF - 2003-2006
Medical, Kate Wolf - 2004-2005
Medical, Laguna Seca Dayz - 1994-1996
Medical, Gathering of the Vibes - 1992-1993
Rock Med Volunteer, 1991-Present
I can say without hesitation that David Moss' commitment to his staff, to his fellow volunteers, and to the patrons of the shows he runs is total. And if he says he's not doing it because he thinks it isn't safe, then that's what he means. I can also comfortably say that if he were in it for the money, he'd have quit a long time ago. David Moss has earned my unqualified respect.
Finally, I can say that David Moss has put together an organization that is unparalled at what they do. There are 3 or four people I know who have the chops to run an effort such as this and not only is he one of them, he's the best.
And I take strong issue with any suggestion that he should put his concerns aside for any reason. Until YOU have had the distinction of having someone die on YOUR lap, while YOU held there hand, YOU have absolutely no right whatsoever to suggest to HIM what his loyalties should be.
Eric Elliott
Psych Crew, ROTR 2002-2006
Medical, ROTR 1991-1997
Medical, SNWMF - 2002-2006
Medical, Earthdance - 2003-2006
Medical, HSMF - 2003-2006
Medical, Kate Wolf - 2004-2005
Medical, Laguna Seca Dayz - 1994-1996
Medical, Gathering of the Vibes - 1992-1993
Rock Med Volunteer, 1991-Present
Well this will be my third time trying to reply to this (still kinda new to this blog thing). first off let me say that my allegiance is to the people I have worked with for so many years on this event. I am dedicated to our community and to the non profits that all benefit from Reggae. The reason I am choosing to speak out and take an apparent side in this issue, is because I have earned the right to do so, and am doing so. Also, isn't that what were in Iraq for (or something like that, can't remember the exact reason). My first and foremost concern, over and above everything else is public safety at the event. Bottom line, without rehashing all the details, I do not believe that 2B1 and the Mateel have the resources to pull this event of safely. Let's get real for a moment. Forget all the politics and stories swirling about. Let's look at some facts. A major portion of the critical staff have all quit or left for one reason or another. We're talking all the critical positions and years of collective expertise are all gone. Communications, Fire, Backstage Security, Perimeter Security, Site Manager, Operations Manager, Highway Operations Coordinator, Medical, the entire Critical Incident Team. This is a collective expertise that can not just be replaced. I agree no one is indispensable, but a whole team. It is my opinion that the show should not go on at "any cost", which is how I feel about 2B1 and the Mateel. They simply do not have the resources to pull it off in a safe way, and sorry if my opinions don't jive with yours, but hey, this is how I see it, from a public safety viewpoint. mossman
His loyalty should be in administering his skills in the healing of what ever is presented to him. It would be nice to be able to forsee and predict which event will be accident free and which one will not. To me it's a very subjective and dangerous argument to make. Karma can be a bitch. Do good work with an open heart is all we can ask for. Doctors all over the world work in much more dire circumstances and do it willingly. Would he have not worked at the first Reggae festival for the same reasons? I understand taking precautions and considering all factors. But his harsh and immoveable stance on one side of the legal battle is ridculus... if not troubling.
Just wondering, Mossman, do you believe that the Dimmick Ranch annoucement to steal the show from the MCC was a "healing" for the community? I understand your public safety viewpoint, and respect it, but how does act that jive with your sense of fairness? Because that brazen act sent shockwaves throughout the community driving a wedge far deeper than the fuzzy facts and miss information of Boots.
I'm not a big fan of speaking for other people, so I won't, but the question was posed to me, so I'll answer it.
In this case, I can. I am on of the handful of people who have done this sort of thing, more than once - never on this scale, but I've done it. I am also in a position to have to decide whether or not to participate. And I totally disagree with your premise.
As far as I am concered, for 5 days in August I have one loyalty, and one loyalty only, and people are betting there lives and their licenses to practice medicine on my getting that right.
I have sat sobbing in a bathroom for hours over a little girl who was never going to wake up. I have sat up for hours wondering if I made the best bad decision available to me. I have hugged someone who's been through similar horrors. And I have physically restrained someone who's stated intention was to go to the trunk of his car, get his gun and start blowng people away, starting with me. I suspect you have done none of these things.
With all due respect, unless and until you have walked in my shoes I don't feel that you are in a position to tell me what my loyalty should be, I should be telling you what my loyalty should be, and that is to insure that:
1) The patrons and staff stay alive, stay out of jail, and stay out of the hospital.
2) My wife doesn't become a widow.
3) My fellow staff members don't lose their licenses to practice medicine.
I don't have a yardstick for measuring those the risks associted here. If I do not feel, in my heart of hearts, that I can accomplish those three tasks, I have absolutely no business being involved.
And absolutely NOTHING else is of any consequence whatsoever.
Eric Elliott
Eric Elliott
In this case, I can. I am on of the handful of people who have done this sort of thing, more than once - never on this scale, but I've done it. I am also in a position to have to decide whether or not to participate. And I totally disagree with your premise.
As far as I am concered, for 5 days in August I have one loyalty, and one loyalty only, and people are betting there lives and their licenses to practice medicine on my getting that right.
I have sat sobbing in a bathroom for hours over a little girl who was never going to wake up. I have sat up for hours wondering if I made the best bad decision available to me. I have hugged someone who's been through similar horrors. And I have physically restrained someone who's stated intention was to go to the trunk of his car, get his gun and start blowng people away, starting with me. I suspect you have done none of these things.
With all due respect, unless and until you have walked in my shoes I don't feel that you are in a position to tell me what my loyalty should be, I should be telling you what my loyalty should be, and that is to insure that:
1) The patrons and staff stay alive, stay out of jail, and stay out of the hospital.
2) My wife doesn't become a widow.
3) My fellow staff members don't lose their licenses to practice medicine.
I don't have a yardstick for measuring those the risks associted here. If I do not feel, in my heart of hearts, that I can accomplish those three tasks, I have absolutely no business being involved.
And absolutely NOTHING else is of any consequence whatsoever.
Eric Elliott
Eric Elliott
It occurs to me that the safety issues that are mentioned as reasons why not to participate are in fact issues caused by those same persons that mention them the loudest. Specifically, their quitting on the festival at its greatest time of need is the fundamental cause of the concern they now express.
Rather than quitting on the festival and then complaining about the dangers of them not being there, perhaps a more positive approach might be to work together to produce a quality (and safe) event.
Rather than quitting on the festival and then complaining about the dangers of them not being there, perhaps a more positive approach might be to work together to produce a quality (and safe) event.
May I point out that the resources that People Productions have used for years belong to the Mateel Community Center? That the on the ground training coordinators have received at ROTR was paid for by the Mateel. Currently, the Mateel cannot get its property returned to them. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why we are all in court.
Let's keep it factual folks and not personal.
Let's keep it factual folks and not personal.
Rather than quitting on the festival and then complaining about the dangers of them not being there, perhaps a more positive approach might be to work together to produce a quality (and safe) event.
"I don't have a yardstick for measuring those the risks associated here. If I do not feel, in my heart of hearts, that I can accomplish those three tasks, I have absolutely no business being involved."
There is an axiom in medicine called "Scope of Practice." It means that if you are not able to do something properly and safely and within your level of skill, you DO NOT EVER do it. If you want to lose your certification to practice medicine and ever dime you ever made or ever will make, THAT is the way to do it. There is no Good Samaritan provision for violating that.
Not to mention that having someone die or be disabled because you did something you shouldn't is something that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
If you don't feel the situation is safe for you and the person you are there to assist, and you did not take an oath to defend the constitution, you do not do it EVER!!!!! That is the first and last thing hammered into the head of everyone who practices medicine in the field.
Why is that so difficult to communicate here?
It occurs to me that the Vote of No Confidence stated that the signees did not believe that MCC and Boots was competent to run the festival and that the situation was not safe.
Rr at least that's what I read. I have certainly heard some differing opinions what what they said, but that's the text of the statement itself. It would appear to me that you either don't believe them, or you disagree.
If you don't believe them, then the whole point is moot. If you do, then I think that the answer to your question is self-explanatory.
Either way, medical has lots of need for non-professionals and I have absolutely no doubt that a place could be found for you. Or you could sign up and get your First Responder or EMT cert. There is time. You should volunteer. They may need your help more than ever.
Perhaps the most positive thing you could do would be facilitate the two sides in dropping the hostility and finding common gound. It invariably is.
I've been following the ROTR blogosphere for about a month now. I have no investment in the outcome here. I could care less who wins and I have no opinion, whatsoever, in who is right, and while I may respect Mossman, it had never crossed my mind that I had to agree with him. I'll maike up my own mind on this issue when it's ready to be made up.
So, I gotta be perfectly frank. Pretty much all I see is hate, and virtually all of it is directed at the volunteer coordinators and Carol, by people who made up their minds a long time ago and have been spewing the same cheapshots ad nauseum. I also have to be honest, if I read some of the stuff leveled here at me, there isn't a chance on hell I would EVER lift a finger to help ANY of you. And it is very, very difficult for me to believe that any of you would feel any differently.
Get a grip people, when things get like this happen, the only thing you can be absolutely confident of is the fact that there is plenty of blame to go around. If you aren't going to see their side, whether you agree with it or not, why on earth would you think that they should see yours. And if all you can do is throw cheap shots, why should anyone try to work in good faith with you.
So if you REALLY want MCC to throw a festival that everyone agrees is safe, how about you try this, instead of telling them (the volunteer coordinators) what you think they should do, why don't you ask them what they want and work to find a place where you can come together. Nothing important was ever accomplished without that going on.
Eric Elliott
"I don't have a yardstick for measuring those the risks associated here. If I do not feel, in my heart of hearts, that I can accomplish those three tasks, I have absolutely no business being involved."
There is an axiom in medicine called "Scope of Practice." It means that if you are not able to do something properly and safely and within your level of skill, you DO NOT EVER do it. If you want to lose your certification to practice medicine and ever dime you ever made or ever will make, THAT is the way to do it. There is no Good Samaritan provision for violating that.
Not to mention that having someone die or be disabled because you did something you shouldn't is something that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
If you don't feel the situation is safe for you and the person you are there to assist, and you did not take an oath to defend the constitution, you do not do it EVER!!!!! That is the first and last thing hammered into the head of everyone who practices medicine in the field.
Why is that so difficult to communicate here?
It occurs to me that the Vote of No Confidence stated that the signees did not believe that MCC and Boots was competent to run the festival and that the situation was not safe.
Rr at least that's what I read. I have certainly heard some differing opinions what what they said, but that's the text of the statement itself. It would appear to me that you either don't believe them, or you disagree.
If you don't believe them, then the whole point is moot. If you do, then I think that the answer to your question is self-explanatory.
Either way, medical has lots of need for non-professionals and I have absolutely no doubt that a place could be found for you. Or you could sign up and get your First Responder or EMT cert. There is time. You should volunteer. They may need your help more than ever.
Perhaps the most positive thing you could do would be facilitate the two sides in dropping the hostility and finding common gound. It invariably is.
I've been following the ROTR blogosphere for about a month now. I have no investment in the outcome here. I could care less who wins and I have no opinion, whatsoever, in who is right, and while I may respect Mossman, it had never crossed my mind that I had to agree with him. I'll maike up my own mind on this issue when it's ready to be made up.
So, I gotta be perfectly frank. Pretty much all I see is hate, and virtually all of it is directed at the volunteer coordinators and Carol, by people who made up their minds a long time ago and have been spewing the same cheapshots ad nauseum. I also have to be honest, if I read some of the stuff leveled here at me, there isn't a chance on hell I would EVER lift a finger to help ANY of you. And it is very, very difficult for me to believe that any of you would feel any differently.
Get a grip people, when things get like this happen, the only thing you can be absolutely confident of is the fact that there is plenty of blame to go around. If you aren't going to see their side, whether you agree with it or not, why on earth would you think that they should see yours. And if all you can do is throw cheap shots, why should anyone try to work in good faith with you.
So if you REALLY want MCC to throw a festival that everyone agrees is safe, how about you try this, instead of telling them (the volunteer coordinators) what you think they should do, why don't you ask them what they want and work to find a place where you can come together. Nothing important was ever accomplished without that going on.
Eric Elliott
Eric man, take a breathe...
I think people are just wondering why the medical team of all the teams is getting involved, and obviously getting so emotionally involved. Like the first poster asked, If Boots and the Mateel win outright (Who knows if that will happen) how do you think you're being constructive on providing a safe Reggae. Its a simple question.
It is irresponsible to abandon the event if one producer is in charge and then complain the event is dangerous because you wont be their. But Mossman will be there for People Productions if they indeed end up winning. Why? I can understand if its a funding issue or if concerns are ignored, but that has not happened. You havnt even given that time to happen. It really stinks. Say what you want about Carol, or anybody. Medical services should not be picking sides in this war.
Yes Mossman can and should provide his input on issues of MEDICAL concern. But he's getting involved in LEGAL and POLITICAL issues by instilling fear in ticketbuyers that a 2B1 production is dangerous.
...You know its bad when the medical services are throwing their weight around the ring. God help Reggae cuz no one else is...
I think people are just wondering why the medical team of all the teams is getting involved, and obviously getting so emotionally involved. Like the first poster asked, If Boots and the Mateel win outright (Who knows if that will happen) how do you think you're being constructive on providing a safe Reggae. Its a simple question.
It is irresponsible to abandon the event if one producer is in charge and then complain the event is dangerous because you wont be their. But Mossman will be there for People Productions if they indeed end up winning. Why? I can understand if its a funding issue or if concerns are ignored, but that has not happened. You havnt even given that time to happen. It really stinks. Say what you want about Carol, or anybody. Medical services should not be picking sides in this war.
Yes Mossman can and should provide his input on issues of MEDICAL concern. But he's getting involved in LEGAL and POLITICAL issues by instilling fear in ticketbuyers that a 2B1 production is dangerous.
...You know its bad when the medical services are throwing their weight around the ring. God help Reggae cuz no one else is...
Thank you Eric for being the voice of many of us. I hope the truth you speak does not fall on deaf ears.
Mossman, thankyou for bringing to light the misinformation in Boot's section on blog. We that know you and have worked side by side with you know your intentions are nothing less than honorable.
I will be so happy when all this passes and we can do what we love most, help the folk. PatteRae
Mossman, thankyou for bringing to light the misinformation in Boot's section on blog. We that know you and have worked side by side with you know your intentions are nothing less than honorable.
I will be so happy when all this passes and we can do what we love most, help the folk. PatteRae
Sorry. None of these excuses ring true. Tell me again why it's in the Med crew's best interest to take sides in this particular dispute? And why nobody(on the med crew) has yet to say,"if the Mateel ends up doing Reggae then of course we'll be there to help." So far -- not a word. Why? I can't help it, but unless someone comes up with something better than what;s been posted, my cynical side might just show its ugly face and assume it's all about perks and moolah.
I think it was plainly stated: "No Confidence"
If you felt that way, then would you put your life and the safety of others in the hands of those who you don't believe know what they are doing?
Sounds pretty simple to me. My answer would be NO WAY!
I'm sure doctors without borders wouldn't go into a country without confidence in each other and those who are organizing their trip.
If you felt that way, then would you put your life and the safety of others in the hands of those who you don't believe know what they are doing?
Sounds pretty simple to me. My answer would be NO WAY!
I'm sure doctors without borders wouldn't go into a country without confidence in each other and those who are organizing their trip.
Once again let me be clear as to why I am speaking out...First and foremost, I am speaking out because I have the right to do so. I think the no confidence statement pretty much sums up why I have decided to not be involved. Why I am speaking out is because I want people to know the situation. What the real situation is with regards to public safety. Some say my loyalty is to People Productions, it's not, it's to all the people who I have worked with over the years to produce this show. Without all of them, I personally don't feel safe doing what I do at the event. It's pretty simple, really nothing more. I want our community to be able to have a world class event, regardless of who produces it. Like I said, I can't speak to the reasons why all the other coordinators quit, some feel as I do, and others have deep rooted anger. Regardless, they all quit. Without the infrastructure that I have become dependent on over the years to do what I do, I simply refuse to put myself into that situation. I think I am doing the community good by stating my concerns. Don't you think ticket buyers should have an understanding of what kind of EMS services will be available at the event. I certainly would want to know if I were a patron. Am I crossing the line, I don't know, I feel like I am just stating my concerns and doing so in the only way I know how. Once again, if you don't see things my way, that's cool, I don't expect you to, however, maybe if you spent some time with me at Reggae, you'd be in a better position to understand. Let me also just throw this out to you, if in a city, the police chief decided to quit and the entire police force quit with him, do you think the fire service would continue to provide services to the city without the backup and support of law enforcement. I don't think so. The situation is very similar. Let's remember I did attend the first meeting to see with my own eyes what Boot's and the Mateel had as far as resources. It wasn't until after that meeting that I declined the position of EMS coordinator. Let me say one other thing, not once has ANYONE from the Mateel or 2B1 Tried to contact me. Not once. How does that make you feel about how they are dealing with this major issue. Despite the fact that I declined the position, I did it in a respectful way and provided a means for contact. None was made....I'm the guy with all the previous years of experience and contacts...Wouldn't you think that at least a phone call would be attempted to try and get information or at least to discuss what my concerns are......Makes you go hmmmmmmmmmm. Mossman
Oh my god what in the world did we do before the Great Mossman came on the scene? Only 3 festivals in the whole world are safe because the MossMan (new superhero action figure available ) heads up the safety?
What an Ego you have dude. You decided before any of the facts were in that your friends at People Productions were the only one’s who could do the Festival.
Boots and the Mateel want to make Reggae on the River better in many ways . The comfort and safety of the attendees is the most important aspect that we are working on improving. One of the ways that this can be accomplished is through proper planning. Planning for 15,000 people at ROR is alot different then planning for the 22 to 25,000 who showed up in 2006. Exceeding your own planning and the permit level is not a way to have a safe event.
Mossman, you have from the beginning of this dispute thrown in with People production and have constantly declared that MCC cannot put on a safe festival because you and your team won’t work for anybody but Carol. “ NONE of the actual Critical Incident Team is coming or thinking of coming back to an event that is being produced by someone other than People Productions.” Loyalty to a Corporation over the community. Circular logic and self-fufilling prophecies at best.
As to misinformation why don’t you mention new production partner Danny Scher? How do you know Diana Totten hasn’t agreed to consult no matter who does the show? What was with the over 300 fourwheelers pemitted on site? Roosting through the crowd? Drinking a beer and driving one through everyone? Guys on fire trucks who aren’t certified? Did you do Incident Management Systems training ? Do you check certification or just take people’s word? What was your training?
Where were you in the first 15 years when a lot of unpaid volunteer energy from the Community went into buiding the event ? I didn’t volunteer for years for a private business ,I volunteered for the mateel Community Center. Many in the Southern Humboldt / Northern Mendocino area tolerate the inconvenience of Reggae week because of its roots as a fund raiser for the MCC and the other non-profits. A for profit corporate owner and producer would not experience the same level of tolerance.
Why do you support so whole heartedly the blatant attempt to take away the Community’s asset and give it to a private corporate entity?
How much would you sell your soul for?
Hope that Peace and Love will prevail over Greed and Fear. ZenDog
What an Ego you have dude. You decided before any of the facts were in that your friends at People Productions were the only one’s who could do the Festival.
Boots and the Mateel want to make Reggae on the River better in many ways . The comfort and safety of the attendees is the most important aspect that we are working on improving. One of the ways that this can be accomplished is through proper planning. Planning for 15,000 people at ROR is alot different then planning for the 22 to 25,000 who showed up in 2006. Exceeding your own planning and the permit level is not a way to have a safe event.
Mossman, you have from the beginning of this dispute thrown in with People production and have constantly declared that MCC cannot put on a safe festival because you and your team won’t work for anybody but Carol. “ NONE of the actual Critical Incident Team is coming or thinking of coming back to an event that is being produced by someone other than People Productions.” Loyalty to a Corporation over the community. Circular logic and self-fufilling prophecies at best.
As to misinformation why don’t you mention new production partner Danny Scher? How do you know Diana Totten hasn’t agreed to consult no matter who does the show? What was with the over 300 fourwheelers pemitted on site? Roosting through the crowd? Drinking a beer and driving one through everyone? Guys on fire trucks who aren’t certified? Did you do Incident Management Systems training ? Do you check certification or just take people’s word? What was your training?
Where were you in the first 15 years when a lot of unpaid volunteer energy from the Community went into buiding the event ? I didn’t volunteer for years for a private business ,I volunteered for the mateel Community Center. Many in the Southern Humboldt / Northern Mendocino area tolerate the inconvenience of Reggae week because of its roots as a fund raiser for the MCC and the other non-profits. A for profit corporate owner and producer would not experience the same level of tolerance.
Why do you support so whole heartedly the blatant attempt to take away the Community’s asset and give it to a private corporate entity?
How much would you sell your soul for?
Hope that Peace and Love will prevail over Greed and Fear. ZenDog
With all Due Respect ZenDog (who ever you are, how about a real name) I never claimed that the event was safe only because I was there. That is your claim. You and everyone else continue to miss my point and my point of view. If you are handing out titles though, I think I prefer, Mossman The Magnificent ( I like the flow of the 3 M’s). To respond seriously to your post, though, prior to my arrival, Reggae on the River was a different beast. It has grown over the years into what it is today. Zen, let me ask you, do you have any experience working with a medical crew at an event like Reggae or more specifically at Reggae on the River? You claim that Boot’s and the Mateel want to make reggae better in many ways. “The comfort and safety of the attendees is the most important aspect that we are working on improving” . You would think that someone would at least attempt to make contact with me to at least for no other reason, pick my brains…If in fact what you claim is true, why hasn’t that happened? Do you have a reasonable explanation for that?? If safety is the foremost concern, a reasonable person would think that you would at least want to talk with the former Medical coordinator. Instead Boots puts information out there that is misleading and not accurate. I spoke with the Bustamante’s and I spoke with Diana Totten. Why mislead the public into thinking that those areas of the show are covered?? I don’t understand that at all. That is what actually got me out of the woodwork. I wanted to clear up this misinformation regarding medical and medical personnel. With regards to the number of people on site, I can’t speak to that, as it isn’t something that I deal with. I also never claimed that the event would only be safe if I were there. I don’t even want to imply that. All I do want to stress is that the team of people who have worked together for so long have a collective experience that can’t be replaced with a substitute team. That if the #$%^ hits the fan, who would you prefer to have on site? At team of people who have worked together for so many years or a new substitute team that don’t have the intricate understanding of the event we all have? If you choose the latter, then more power to you. Go for it, maybe you Zen can be the new medical leader. When I said, “none of the Critical Incident team members are coming back”, I was again referring to a statement made by Boots where he said he has spoken with a number of the Critical Incident Team members, and several are thinking about coming back. Again, not sure who he is speaking to, but I did actually speak with all the members of the team and none are planning on coming back. If that is “throwing in” with People’s, then I guess that’s what I’m doing. The fact is I just want the info that I know to be factual to be presented properly.
As far as loyalty to a corporation vs the community, my only response to that is, when I attended this last meeting held by Carol, I looked around the room and saw the community. Don’t know what else to say about that. Again, my loyalty is to the people I have worked with for so many years. We have a comfort level and a good strong working relationship, something that I feel is a requirement to be able to pull off an event like Reggae. Really nothing more. I mean if you and the Mateel want to try a new event with new staff and all, maybe you should try starting out with a smaller event. Much smaller, something along the lines of Earthdance or SNWMF. I would support something like that, I wouldn’t speak out and express my concerns. But that isn’t what we are talking about, we are talking about Reggae on the River…..Just out of curiosity Zen, do you have any idea how many people we see at Reggae each year medically speaking? Do you have any idea how many we send out to the hospital and how many we take care of at the venue? Do you have any idea what the nature of the problems we’re dealing with are and to what extent. Do you know how many paramedics and response teams I have working at any given moment. Are you familiar with our evacuation plan. Do you know how the critical incident team is notified of an emergency and what our protocols are for dealing with various situations? Do you know how many doctors are needed to run Reggae. Do you have any idea of the personal risks we expose ourselves to when responding to a medical call at Reggae. Have you ever needed medical attention at Reggae??? If you did, what would make you feel comfortable? Just a few things to consider….
As for checking certifications, I do require my new volunteers (one’s who’s certs are unknown) to present me with a current copy of their license/certification. As far as the quads, I agree with you, too many, not sure what the answer is as that isn’t my area of responsibility. As for ICS training, yes I am trained and certified with the ICS system. I am a Scuba Diving Instructor with many different certifications in Rescue. I am a firefighter. I was originally certified as an EMT at UCLA back in 1987. I am a CPR/First Aid/Advanced First Aid Instructor. I am a Rock Med Volunteer since 1995. I have worked literally hundreds of shows over the years and of course my experience at Reggae on the River. Hope that answers more of your questions….
I also realize this is a losing battle, opinions have been formed and lines drawn. I am sad by the whole situation, but will continue to respond as I see fit.
As far as loyalty to a corporation vs the community, my only response to that is, when I attended this last meeting held by Carol, I looked around the room and saw the community. Don’t know what else to say about that. Again, my loyalty is to the people I have worked with for so many years. We have a comfort level and a good strong working relationship, something that I feel is a requirement to be able to pull off an event like Reggae. Really nothing more. I mean if you and the Mateel want to try a new event with new staff and all, maybe you should try starting out with a smaller event. Much smaller, something along the lines of Earthdance or SNWMF. I would support something like that, I wouldn’t speak out and express my concerns. But that isn’t what we are talking about, we are talking about Reggae on the River…..Just out of curiosity Zen, do you have any idea how many people we see at Reggae each year medically speaking? Do you have any idea how many we send out to the hospital and how many we take care of at the venue? Do you have any idea what the nature of the problems we’re dealing with are and to what extent. Do you know how many paramedics and response teams I have working at any given moment. Are you familiar with our evacuation plan. Do you know how the critical incident team is notified of an emergency and what our protocols are for dealing with various situations? Do you know how many doctors are needed to run Reggae. Do you have any idea of the personal risks we expose ourselves to when responding to a medical call at Reggae. Have you ever needed medical attention at Reggae??? If you did, what would make you feel comfortable? Just a few things to consider….
As for checking certifications, I do require my new volunteers (one’s who’s certs are unknown) to present me with a current copy of their license/certification. As far as the quads, I agree with you, too many, not sure what the answer is as that isn’t my area of responsibility. As for ICS training, yes I am trained and certified with the ICS system. I am a Scuba Diving Instructor with many different certifications in Rescue. I am a firefighter. I was originally certified as an EMT at UCLA back in 1987. I am a CPR/First Aid/Advanced First Aid Instructor. I am a Rock Med Volunteer since 1995. I have worked literally hundreds of shows over the years and of course my experience at Reggae on the River. Hope that answers more of your questions….
I also realize this is a losing battle, opinions have been formed and lines drawn. I am sad by the whole situation, but will continue to respond as I see fit.
Zendog. All good points that will not be addressed because it is not in their interest to address them. I notice almost all the people that support PP are people that get perks or are paid. If they were put under oath I'll bet almost everyone of them has a financial stake in PP doing the show. It's depressing to witness how easily so called, "hippies and progressives" can be swayed by power and influence. What has happened to our ideals?
MossMan, I guess believing that the PP is the "community" is a way for you to assauge your guilt, but I'm not buying it. PP is a corporation. It isn't the community. Never has been. Never will be by definition. Can't be. There are community members that are part of the company, but it is a company. Are you having a hard time following my reasoning? Your "spin" would embarrass even the Bush administration. The "community" isn't fooled by that phoney blather.
And if you were really open and wanted to see the community, you could have seen it at the Mateel Forever Benefit.
It's really ok if you want to work for a corporation. This is the USA. But please be honest about it at least.
And if you were really open and wanted to see the community, you could have seen it at the Mateel Forever Benefit.
It's really ok if you want to work for a corporation. This is the USA. But please be honest about it at least.
Whats happened to our ideals?
I think the old hippie generation is seeing their straight edge siblings with retirement packages, health coverage, a mortgage that will be paid off in less than ten years. They see this, and realize spending decades smoking dope, railing against the system, and holding festivals where youth are indoctrinated into this drug culture was totally wasted.
People get old.
The older you get, the more you desire stability. Living independently. Taking care of health concerns. This is a classic money grab. Its not even necessarily about making money from the concerts themselves, but selling the concert out.
I understand these peoples desires to feel secure in old age but you cannot spend a lifetime smoking weed and working one August weekend a year and expect to have all the privileges and perks that their straight edge brothers have.
The MCC is being ripped off for classic reasons. One advantage is that ROTR would probably be run better by PP and a tilt toward the festival being a profit driven enterprise. There are good and bad things about each way this goes. But take a good hard look at Carol Bruno and PP. This is the result of all your hippie ambitions. In the end, Bruno and PP are dependent on turning ROTR into a full fledged business.
Stop smoking dope and traveling down one way roads. You can still have high ideals and work in the system. This counterculture bullshit is just that, bullshit.
I think the old hippie generation is seeing their straight edge siblings with retirement packages, health coverage, a mortgage that will be paid off in less than ten years. They see this, and realize spending decades smoking dope, railing against the system, and holding festivals where youth are indoctrinated into this drug culture was totally wasted.
People get old.
The older you get, the more you desire stability. Living independently. Taking care of health concerns. This is a classic money grab. Its not even necessarily about making money from the concerts themselves, but selling the concert out.
I understand these peoples desires to feel secure in old age but you cannot spend a lifetime smoking weed and working one August weekend a year and expect to have all the privileges and perks that their straight edge brothers have.
The MCC is being ripped off for classic reasons. One advantage is that ROTR would probably be run better by PP and a tilt toward the festival being a profit driven enterprise. There are good and bad things about each way this goes. But take a good hard look at Carol Bruno and PP. This is the result of all your hippie ambitions. In the end, Bruno and PP are dependent on turning ROTR into a full fledged business.
Stop smoking dope and traveling down one way roads. You can still have high ideals and work in the system. This counterculture bullshit is just that, bullshit.
Mossman the Magnificent,
Why don't you be magnamous and give the Mateel and Boots the benefit of the doubt? instead you seem to swayed by the arguments of the one's who are doing everything in their power to destroy the Mateel.
"As far as loyalty to a corporation vs the community, my only response to that is, when I attended this last meeting held by Carol, I looked around the room and saw the community." 50 or so people is a small fraction of the people who worked to make ROR what it is. They are an even smaller fraction of the SoHum community that is concerned about the Mateel Community Center.
the MCC is way more than a hall and all the people who use it for their programs or attend one of the many events put on by the Mateel ( Summer Arts Fetival is a major one).
I didn't ask if you had ICS training I asked if you had implemented it by training your Critical Incident Team ( not to mention Security who is involved ) in using it.
I also don't use my real name because of the nasty attacks that occur. I have already heard of the PP blacklist from more than one person who was threatened.
And you are right I am not a medical person, I'm just someone who loves Reggae music and volunteered from the start in many functions from working on site planning and prep to backstage security , hospitality etc. As more and more people got paid for doing the same work i was doing for free i quit volunteering at ROR and moved on to the Summer Arts Festival etc. But I am not stupid and I do look at the bigger picture.
I am not attacking you personally or calling in to question your ability as an Co-ordinator. What I do is question your motives and the way you have twisted the facts to favor your friends instead of taking a clear look at the picture and working with the Greater community to solve the problems that exist.
Working together we can make this a better world for all including a better Reggae fetival. Bigger is not necessarily Better.
When and if ROR happens again I hope that you will be there to help with the knowledge, skill and all the energy that you have exhibited in the past.
Until Peace comes i remain Zendog and hope that my thoughts don't need a reputation attached to them in order to be considered.
Why don't you be magnamous and give the Mateel and Boots the benefit of the doubt? instead you seem to swayed by the arguments of the one's who are doing everything in their power to destroy the Mateel.
"As far as loyalty to a corporation vs the community, my only response to that is, when I attended this last meeting held by Carol, I looked around the room and saw the community." 50 or so people is a small fraction of the people who worked to make ROR what it is. They are an even smaller fraction of the SoHum community that is concerned about the Mateel Community Center.
the MCC is way more than a hall and all the people who use it for their programs or attend one of the many events put on by the Mateel ( Summer Arts Fetival is a major one).
I didn't ask if you had ICS training I asked if you had implemented it by training your Critical Incident Team ( not to mention Security who is involved ) in using it.
I also don't use my real name because of the nasty attacks that occur. I have already heard of the PP blacklist from more than one person who was threatened.
And you are right I am not a medical person, I'm just someone who loves Reggae music and volunteered from the start in many functions from working on site planning and prep to backstage security , hospitality etc. As more and more people got paid for doing the same work i was doing for free i quit volunteering at ROR and moved on to the Summer Arts Festival etc. But I am not stupid and I do look at the bigger picture.
I am not attacking you personally or calling in to question your ability as an Co-ordinator. What I do is question your motives and the way you have twisted the facts to favor your friends instead of taking a clear look at the picture and working with the Greater community to solve the problems that exist.
Working together we can make this a better world for all including a better Reggae fetival. Bigger is not necessarily Better.
When and if ROR happens again I hope that you will be there to help with the knowledge, skill and all the energy that you have exhibited in the past.
Until Peace comes i remain Zendog and hope that my thoughts don't need a reputation attached to them in order to be considered.
i guess we don't have to blame bush for the dirty dishes, now we can just blame mossman.
enough of the comparing local folks to the bush cronies. its really stupid.
enough of the comparing local folks to the bush cronies. its really stupid.
I remember talking, about ten years ago, with one of the main MD's at Reggae (he is now an ER physician in the Sierra Nevada foothills, though he still makes the festival in the summer, along with his kids and their friends). At that time he said the main medical cases at ROTR were heat exhaustion, sunburn, and drug effects.
So..um, what has become so intensively different in the medical scene these days? Is it the increased size?
I also somehow fail to understand the logic behind "ROTR has become so difficult and unsafe!!!!" (while being produced by PP). "Now we must go off to Reggae Rising, because it is produced by PP, and will be all nice and safe therefore".
Will this be clear if I go smoke some dope?? Clarissa
So..um, what has become so intensively different in the medical scene these days? Is it the increased size?
I also somehow fail to understand the logic behind "ROTR has become so difficult and unsafe!!!!" (while being produced by PP). "Now we must go off to Reggae Rising, because it is produced by PP, and will be all nice and safe therefore".
Will this be clear if I go smoke some dope?? Clarissa
I notice almost all the people that support PP are people that get perks or are paid. If they were put under oath I'll bet almost everyone of them has a financial stake in PP doing the show.
anon 4:52 -Please understand that there is a LARGE number of PP supporters who have been volunteers for many years at ROTR... Not in it for the pay, Not in it for perks but simply see a production company who puts on countless amazing events here in Humboldt (ROTR as well as other Reggae music events) and supports the community in many ways... and will continue to.
anon 4:52 -Please understand that there is a LARGE number of PP supporters who have been volunteers for many years at ROTR... Not in it for the pay, Not in it for perks but simply see a production company who puts on countless amazing events here in Humboldt (ROTR as well as other Reggae music events) and supports the community in many ways... and will continue to.
Zen Dog,
I do appreciate your opinions and thoughts. I thought about staying anonymous as well, but decided to step into the fire and share my thoughts out in the open. I knew I would upset a lot of people, but felt I would jump in anyway. I could give the Mateel and Boots the benefit of the doubt, but he brought my name into this along with information that simply was misleading to the public. I felt I needed to say something. My original intent was to share with the public some of the issues that really aren't being discussed. Some of the things that never really get talked about because we try to keep a low profile. We all view things from a different perspective, and I understand your point of view and perhaps if I were in your shoes I might even share your opinion. The fact is I'm not in your shoes and we view the festival from completely different perspectives. Maybe my years of doing medical has jaded me in my views. Regardless, I see the festival from a logistical standpoint. I'm not claiming that I am right or wrong in my views, but they are my views and how I see things. As far as my motives, really nothing more than having a safe event. My friends are the people I have gone through some #@$%^ with at the event and thus my loyalty to them should be obvious. As far as my reference to the "community being there", let me just say that I didn't mean that literally. I didn't mean the whole community was there. I realize the community is much more than the 50 or 60 people in that room the other night. None the less, I felt that the people in that room were and are good people. People that I am proud to know and work with. I felt that the people in that room had good intentions and I felt comfortable moving forward with that group of people on and event the size and scope of reggae. I respect the fact that you and many others have done much over the years (for free) for the event and the mateel. I'm sad by how things are. Unfortunately, it seems as though we are either on one side or the other. There is no chance of being on both sides. I have said this a million times and will stick with it. I want the event to happen. I want to be a part of it. I also want to feel like I can do my job safely. Really nothing more. When everyone quit, I lost all feeling of comfort and ability to do what I do safely. Am I right or wrong, I guess it depends on whose point of view you take. I am of the belief that Reggae Rising will benefit the community as it should. I feel comfortable moving forward knowing who will be there to help when the &^%( hits the fan. If you take that as me spinning this into something else, what else can I say. Nothing really.
As far as the last comment about what has happened over the past 10 years, all I can say is we deal with a lot at Reggae. There is more than heat exhaustion and sunburn. I've done CPR at Reggae 3 times, I've been puked on, crapped on pissed on and spit on, I've been bled on. I've dealt with violent bi polar individuals. I've dealt with broken arms legs and ankles. I've dealt with vehicle vs person incidents and falls from the cliffs. I've dealt with head injuries and assaults, I've dealt with individuals going through sever psychological issues. I've dealt with 3rd degree burns, and life threatening respiratory distress situations. I could keep going but I think and hope this illustrates a fraction of what we deal with at Reggae. Sunburn & heat exhaustion are also part of what we deal with, but certainly not all that we deal with. So if my opinion is jaded, maybe you can see why....and please give me a break about the bush comparisons. Cuz if we're going there, I can make a few comparisons myself. I'm trying to keep this to the areas that I'm most concerned about. If I felt that people productions was literally trying to steel this event from the community and put all the profits in their pockets, I would bail in a second. I just don't see it that way....I just don't see it how you see it. "People trying to destroy the Mateel". I'm sorry that I just can't see it that way. I guess time will tell.....I hope Zen Dog that someday we can sit and discuss our issues face to face, because discussion is all we really have at this point.....mossman
I do appreciate your opinions and thoughts. I thought about staying anonymous as well, but decided to step into the fire and share my thoughts out in the open. I knew I would upset a lot of people, but felt I would jump in anyway. I could give the Mateel and Boots the benefit of the doubt, but he brought my name into this along with information that simply was misleading to the public. I felt I needed to say something. My original intent was to share with the public some of the issues that really aren't being discussed. Some of the things that never really get talked about because we try to keep a low profile. We all view things from a different perspective, and I understand your point of view and perhaps if I were in your shoes I might even share your opinion. The fact is I'm not in your shoes and we view the festival from completely different perspectives. Maybe my years of doing medical has jaded me in my views. Regardless, I see the festival from a logistical standpoint. I'm not claiming that I am right or wrong in my views, but they are my views and how I see things. As far as my motives, really nothing more than having a safe event. My friends are the people I have gone through some #@$%^ with at the event and thus my loyalty to them should be obvious. As far as my reference to the "community being there", let me just say that I didn't mean that literally. I didn't mean the whole community was there. I realize the community is much more than the 50 or 60 people in that room the other night. None the less, I felt that the people in that room were and are good people. People that I am proud to know and work with. I felt that the people in that room had good intentions and I felt comfortable moving forward with that group of people on and event the size and scope of reggae. I respect the fact that you and many others have done much over the years (for free) for the event and the mateel. I'm sad by how things are. Unfortunately, it seems as though we are either on one side or the other. There is no chance of being on both sides. I have said this a million times and will stick with it. I want the event to happen. I want to be a part of it. I also want to feel like I can do my job safely. Really nothing more. When everyone quit, I lost all feeling of comfort and ability to do what I do safely. Am I right or wrong, I guess it depends on whose point of view you take. I am of the belief that Reggae Rising will benefit the community as it should. I feel comfortable moving forward knowing who will be there to help when the &^%( hits the fan. If you take that as me spinning this into something else, what else can I say. Nothing really.
As far as the last comment about what has happened over the past 10 years, all I can say is we deal with a lot at Reggae. There is more than heat exhaustion and sunburn. I've done CPR at Reggae 3 times, I've been puked on, crapped on pissed on and spit on, I've been bled on. I've dealt with violent bi polar individuals. I've dealt with broken arms legs and ankles. I've dealt with vehicle vs person incidents and falls from the cliffs. I've dealt with head injuries and assaults, I've dealt with individuals going through sever psychological issues. I've dealt with 3rd degree burns, and life threatening respiratory distress situations. I could keep going but I think and hope this illustrates a fraction of what we deal with at Reggae. Sunburn & heat exhaustion are also part of what we deal with, but certainly not all that we deal with. So if my opinion is jaded, maybe you can see why....and please give me a break about the bush comparisons. Cuz if we're going there, I can make a few comparisons myself. I'm trying to keep this to the areas that I'm most concerned about. If I felt that people productions was literally trying to steel this event from the community and put all the profits in their pockets, I would bail in a second. I just don't see it that way....I just don't see it how you see it. "People trying to destroy the Mateel". I'm sorry that I just can't see it that way. I guess time will tell.....I hope Zen Dog that someday we can sit and discuss our issues face to face, because discussion is all we really have at this point.....mossman
Mossman ,you don't have to exsplain yourself.your friends already know,and your enemys will try to use it against you!
H. Phun
H. Phun
Howard, I like to think that there are no enemies here. This is a tragic rift between friends, and that's why it hurts so much. Peace...
I appreciate the support Howard and I do know who my friends are. I hope I still have friends on both sides of the issue, but I also agree with the last comment. At some point the community does need to come together. I hope this is still possible, I just don't know what it will take at this point. This whole situation really is unfortunate....mossman
I would also like to say something about Dr. Ross Chapman. He is a great guy. I love him dearly as well. I support his stepping forward and would always be open to talk with him if he wanted to talk.
My word from the local hospital is that many of the injured/difficult cases end up there. Many of these folks have no insurance, and the bills aren't paid. This has come up at several health-centered meetings I've attended (at one there was a proposal that the Mateel, as putting on the festival, compensate the hospital to the tune of around--i think it was 35,000 dollars, which was the approximate loss to the hospital. I asked about other local events (notably the motorcycle run, which one would think would have both more intensive injuries and more of them--surely boogeying on down by the river being less hazardous than zooming around on bikes). Was told no, Reggae is the expensive summer event for the local (and bankrupt) hospital.
So..do PP and D. Moss have plans to compensate local medical establishments for picking up the slack, what with their grave concern for safety of this event?
And maybe retroactively? Just curious, Clarissa
So..do PP and D. Moss have plans to compensate local medical establishments for picking up the slack, what with their grave concern for safety of this event?
And maybe retroactively? Just curious, Clarissa
Let's see, first some nameless doctor who says medical only does "heat and feet and drgs," at ROTR. Out of curiosity, who was the doc, I'm sure I know them.
Next some nameless administrator who says all the tough ones go to the hospital anyway and it's costing them an unglodly amount of money ($35K). I definately know who that was cause they told me the same story in July 2006 (with exactly the same dollar amount).
What's your point here Clarissa?
Last year the freaking psych team treated over 40 people! Medical's count was several times that. There might have been 10 people sent to the hospital, although I doubt it was that many.
If you go to the ER and they run a standard battery of tests, the bill's about $1,200 (in SF anyway). That's if nothing is wrong and nothing else is required. The people who were sent to the hospital by medical definately didn't fit into that category. So with all due respect, 35K ain't much.
I'm just going to lay it on the line here. I've been doing medical at festivals several times a year since 1991. I've probably done as many of the things as anyone. The work done by last year's medical staff at ROTR was as good as anything I have ever seen under conditions that were as difficult as anything I've ever seen. I am extremely proud to have been a part of Jah Med last year and everyone else associated with them should be as well. And this is not the first time I have stated exactly the same thing.
And seeing as you have absolutely no first hand knowledge of anything as regards medical at ROTR, or anywhere else for that matter, I find it a little confusing as to why you would be insinuating anything to the contrary.
If medical did something to make you or someone you know think that their/our work was anything other than exemplary, then just come out and say it.
Eric Elliott
Next some nameless administrator who says all the tough ones go to the hospital anyway and it's costing them an unglodly amount of money ($35K). I definately know who that was cause they told me the same story in July 2006 (with exactly the same dollar amount).
What's your point here Clarissa?
Last year the freaking psych team treated over 40 people! Medical's count was several times that. There might have been 10 people sent to the hospital, although I doubt it was that many.
If you go to the ER and they run a standard battery of tests, the bill's about $1,200 (in SF anyway). That's if nothing is wrong and nothing else is required. The people who were sent to the hospital by medical definately didn't fit into that category. So with all due respect, 35K ain't much.
I'm just going to lay it on the line here. I've been doing medical at festivals several times a year since 1991. I've probably done as many of the things as anyone. The work done by last year's medical staff at ROTR was as good as anything I have ever seen under conditions that were as difficult as anything I've ever seen. I am extremely proud to have been a part of Jah Med last year and everyone else associated with them should be as well. And this is not the first time I have stated exactly the same thing.
And seeing as you have absolutely no first hand knowledge of anything as regards medical at ROTR, or anywhere else for that matter, I find it a little confusing as to why you would be insinuating anything to the contrary.
If medical did something to make you or someone you know think that their/our work was anything other than exemplary, then just come out and say it.
Eric Elliott
Yes, I thought the hospital figure was high--that's why I asked about the other festival/special event weekends. It is interesting to have Eric Elliott confirm that the figure stated is reasonable. It represents a large loss for our small local hospital, if true.
It would be interesting to see a list of diagnoses/problems from the med group at reggae. I am glad to hear that so many were, apparently, ably handled by the med crew. I am not saying that the crew is bad or has done anything wrong--I am only questioning the extreme "this is such an unsafe event" statements that are being made. If it is so unsafe, if it was unsafe last year, why on earth will it be safe this year under the same crew?
Dr. Ron Hood was the doctor who, years ago, told me that the medical problems seen at Reggae were mostly no problem. But, since he is a superior physician, perhaps his skill and expertise allowed him to handle situations that appeared more scary to your crew? Don't know. (could also have been Ron's characteristic bravado; he doesn't flinch at much)
Just trying to figure this out.
To my mind I'm hearing contradictory stories: "Reggae is very dangerous and a scary place to be a med tech." (from some on the board). "Reggae represents a considerable loss to the local hospital" (and possibly the local clinic, though I haven't heard complaints there) (from said unnamed administrator, to whom Eric E has apparently also spoken) (and I will tell you, when this came up, I deeply questioned it)
or "Reggae is cool, we can handle everything" (also from this thread).
Are scare tactics being used? Am I simply not understanding something here? That's possible. Clarissa
It would be interesting to see a list of diagnoses/problems from the med group at reggae. I am glad to hear that so many were, apparently, ably handled by the med crew. I am not saying that the crew is bad or has done anything wrong--I am only questioning the extreme "this is such an unsafe event" statements that are being made. If it is so unsafe, if it was unsafe last year, why on earth will it be safe this year under the same crew?
Dr. Ron Hood was the doctor who, years ago, told me that the medical problems seen at Reggae were mostly no problem. But, since he is a superior physician, perhaps his skill and expertise allowed him to handle situations that appeared more scary to your crew? Don't know. (could also have been Ron's characteristic bravado; he doesn't flinch at much)
Just trying to figure this out.
To my mind I'm hearing contradictory stories: "Reggae is very dangerous and a scary place to be a med tech." (from some on the board). "Reggae represents a considerable loss to the local hospital" (and possibly the local clinic, though I haven't heard complaints there) (from said unnamed administrator, to whom Eric E has apparently also spoken) (and I will tell you, when this came up, I deeply questioned it)
or "Reggae is cool, we can handle everything" (also from this thread).
Are scare tactics being used? Am I simply not understanding something here? That's possible. Clarissa
Clarissa, just out of curiosity, what is or has been your job at Reggae over the past 10 years? Maybe you should plan on doing a shift with medical this year. Could be an eye opener for you. With regard to Dr Ron Hood, I think he worked 1 year, 1 shift during my entire tenure as Coordinator of EMS. Prior to that I can not speak about. Now, not sure what he is telling you, but clarissa, if you would like to see some of the medical reports to get a feel for what we deal with at Reggae each year, I'd be happy to schedule a time to sit down and go through them with you. Make sure you schedule at least a couple hours as we have thousands of reports from over the years. With all due respect, per your last sentence, I clearly think you are not understanding something here. Clarissa, please don't get me wrong here. I don't mean that in a negative way, I simply mean, you just don't get what we do, and that's fine. Finally with regard to the hopsital, it is an issue. It's a serious issue and one that I have spoken with them about several times. But to put things in perspective, we transported about 10 people in 2006 via ambulance to the hospital. That was the whole weekend. Consider how many people are transported to the hospital via ambulance each weekend in the city of say Arcata, or Fortuna....So I think 10 people is a minimal number compared to the number of people on site. We have some ideas we're working on that could also reduce the impact on the local hospital for this upcoming and future years.
its interesting to read people's post-modernistic bulls**t for awhile but can't we just agree to disagree for a moment? i too have seen someone die a horrible death in front of me at rotr, i too have been threatened for my life at gunpoint(although not at rotr and i wasn't lucky enough to have the opportunity to prevent him from having the shotgun in his hands in the first place when he asked me if i wanted to die)i too have cried for hours for those who we have lost. i too have made decisions that will haunt me for the rest of my life, some of us do everyday. From my 20 years on the planet earth I would say im wise beyond my years. but is my truth and what i believe less or more valuable then yours(this kid hasnt even lived as long as ROTR)? i have been in your shoes before but have you been in mine? i dont think so. with this kind of attitude reggae will no longer be on the river nor rising. isnt that are real concern in the first place? if it even happens? whoever does it no matter what has a huge obligation to the greater community because otherwise we'll have their head. its obvious to me we are all stubborn.i would like to see some kind of positivity to come out of this mess. where can we channel our energy? dividing us to conquer all? i would hope not. i think we could all use some PEACE, LOVE & UNITY. this is all so painful...
I am a fairly new member of the ROTR medical team, so pardon my hubris at geting involved in this discussion as such a neophyte. However, I'm going to dive in. For the record, I am a physician volunteer. I do not live in SoHum, and have no allegience to Mateel or to PP. I've never met Carol, Boots, or anyone on the Mateel Board.
1. Those of you, such as the anonymous "Zen" who are spending so much energy arguing with Mossman, are essentially making his point. If he, and the current medical team, and the current Coordinators, don't really matter, and if Mateel can get along without them (given that "the Mateel" and "the community" are synonymous), then quit wasting your time arguing with them on this blog and get on with the business of working with your "community supporters" who can do the job just as well.
2. Whatever the number of dollars that Garberville hospital claims to have lost - and I'm not wedded to nor knowledgeable of any specific number - you must understand what that number means. Absolute medical expenses NEVER translate into real costs... unless you're unfortunate enough to be uninsured AND employed, have a home address, and be responsible (and even then, hospitals essentially always cut a deal with cash paying patients). Hospitals ALWAYS bill more than any insurance will ever pay, so as to be certain that they're billing at least as much as the most anas any insurance will pay. Typically, the real dollars a hospital gets from a contracted insurance company are well under 50% of billed dollars. So, for example, if we run with the estimate of Garberville Hospital "losing" $35,000 in uncompensated care last year - that translates to something less than $17,000 in reall dollars. Still real money, but stay with me. If Garberville had someone on site (as does St. Joe's in Eureka, and Redwood Memorial in Fortuna) who could get emergency Medi-Cal enrollment for those unable to pay, then the absolute loss would be considerably less (using the above figures, and typical Medi-Cal reimbursement, about 1/2 the $17,000). Furthermore, uncollected receivables doesn't translate to actual cost of care. In addition, not for profit hospitals are required to provide charity care. Don't think for a minute that these Reggae "losses" don't count toward said requirement as well as toward tax write offs.
3. It is a myth of unbelievable proportion to imagine that any healthcare provider puts him/her self in a difficult situation SOLELY to provide care to people in need. If that were the case, I'd spend my life on a street corner in the Tenderloin, or Gaza, or Somalia. Don't get me wrong, we REALLY like helping people - else we'd not be at ROTR to begin with - but we also happen to like working with a competent group of people, like knowing that our efforts will be respected, and like knowing that we're likely to go home at the end of the event without having been traumatized too badly ourselves. And by traumatized, I don't mean having helped really sick people (this is what we do all the time, after all); rather, I mean being stuck in a situation where the support we need to do our jobs isn't available. And with all due respect to whomever the anonymous 20-something is who thinks he/she has as much life experience as Mossman (or me, or any other doctor on the team)... your naivete is charming. Good luck with ego development down the road.
4. To rephrase my first comment: these are my opinions. Mossman is expressing his opinions. We are acting on them. if you disagree, you don't need to argue with us, just get on with life, get your own medical team and go for it!
Lee Leer, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
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1. Those of you, such as the anonymous "Zen" who are spending so much energy arguing with Mossman, are essentially making his point. If he, and the current medical team, and the current Coordinators, don't really matter, and if Mateel can get along without them (given that "the Mateel" and "the community" are synonymous), then quit wasting your time arguing with them on this blog and get on with the business of working with your "community supporters" who can do the job just as well.
2. Whatever the number of dollars that Garberville hospital claims to have lost - and I'm not wedded to nor knowledgeable of any specific number - you must understand what that number means. Absolute medical expenses NEVER translate into real costs... unless you're unfortunate enough to be uninsured AND employed, have a home address, and be responsible (and even then, hospitals essentially always cut a deal with cash paying patients). Hospitals ALWAYS bill more than any insurance will ever pay, so as to be certain that they're billing at least as much as the most anas any insurance will pay. Typically, the real dollars a hospital gets from a contracted insurance company are well under 50% of billed dollars. So, for example, if we run with the estimate of Garberville Hospital "losing" $35,000 in uncompensated care last year - that translates to something less than $17,000 in reall dollars. Still real money, but stay with me. If Garberville had someone on site (as does St. Joe's in Eureka, and Redwood Memorial in Fortuna) who could get emergency Medi-Cal enrollment for those unable to pay, then the absolute loss would be considerably less (using the above figures, and typical Medi-Cal reimbursement, about 1/2 the $17,000). Furthermore, uncollected receivables doesn't translate to actual cost of care. In addition, not for profit hospitals are required to provide charity care. Don't think for a minute that these Reggae "losses" don't count toward said requirement as well as toward tax write offs.
3. It is a myth of unbelievable proportion to imagine that any healthcare provider puts him/her self in a difficult situation SOLELY to provide care to people in need. If that were the case, I'd spend my life on a street corner in the Tenderloin, or Gaza, or Somalia. Don't get me wrong, we REALLY like helping people - else we'd not be at ROTR to begin with - but we also happen to like working with a competent group of people, like knowing that our efforts will be respected, and like knowing that we're likely to go home at the end of the event without having been traumatized too badly ourselves. And by traumatized, I don't mean having helped really sick people (this is what we do all the time, after all); rather, I mean being stuck in a situation where the support we need to do our jobs isn't available. And with all due respect to whomever the anonymous 20-something is who thinks he/she has as much life experience as Mossman (or me, or any other doctor on the team)... your naivete is charming. Good luck with ego development down the road.
4. To rephrase my first comment: these are my opinions. Mossman is expressing his opinions. We are acting on them. if you disagree, you don't need to argue with us, just get on with life, get your own medical team and go for it!
Lee Leer, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
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