Thursday, February 22, 2007
another slice of history

photo of the day from Kim
I remember this shot from the 1980's very well. The roof trusses gave shape to our community center.
Chris Walker fell from these trusses while putting his ass on the line reaching out to get it done. Luckily he wasn't seriously hurt.
Nice bounce, Chris, old buddy.
We didn't think we were building the hall to house a three ring circus of bickering, or to stage death duels in the ring of public opinion.
We built it to share our collective skills and knowledge to create fun, and opportunities for ourselves, our kids, and their future families. Read that; our family.
It is the House That Reggae Built.
Is it also going to be the house that Reggae tore apart?
I am praying for that not to happen.
I can show you all the smiles in my files that prove that we are capable of what we set our minds to when we have a plan and some leadership.
I refuse to believe the better days are past.
I have always been an optimist because it has served me better than being a pessimist.
It is time for some Unity to emerge from this struggle.
Please, please, please.