Thursday, May 17, 2007


hoping healing happens...

I've been getting a slew of comments from one side or another in the last couple of days, most of them from angry folks who want to vent frustration about one thing or another. I've pretty much been ignoring them. This comment on Taunya's letter from the Mateel perspective seemed different. I'm taking the person's word that they are not one of the anons who have been dueling on the blogs for the last few months. This seems to be someone who took some time to think before blasting off a comment. Yes, some of what they say has been said before, and yes, it's just one person's anonymous opinion, and no, I do not necessarily agree with what's said here, but I think it's worth posting.
If you have something to say in response, please do so in a coherent, thoughtful manner. Don't bother throwing mud or writing something where you replace the "s" with $ (very clever - not) -- you are basically wasting your time and mine...

I am a long time volunteer of reggae on the river and this will be my first post to one of these blogs.... I am saddened by the whole situation , but am also amazed by the mateel's stance and position here. It is really amazing to me how the mateel put's all the blame on people productions and tom dimmick and assumes NONE of the responsibility for the current situation they are in.

I read in one of the blogs how people are comparing people productions to republicans, i must say from my perspective it seems as though the mateel folks are the ones acting more like our current administration than the folks over at people productions. George bush continues to stick to his same talking points year after year when most of the country sees right through him. they use god to justify their actions and unfortunately, a good portion of americans buy into the propaganda presented. I see the mateel doing a very similar thing here, using the moral high ground of the non profit community center to justify their means and course of action. Protecting the community from the corporate "hijacking" as they like to "frame" it. this is just ridiculous.

Something else that doesn't seem to get talked about much is the fact that Tom Dimmick has the most to lose here. He signed an agreement/contract with the mateel based on the fact that People prodcutions would produce the show. Seems like a sound business decision to me. I certainly wouldn't want that size of a festival on my property run by folks with ZERO experience in producing a show of this size and magnitude. Am I the only one who really sees it this way?? All you Mateel supporters, would you have the festival on your property with a producer that had never produced the show before??

Please let's try to look at this situation with some clarity and set our emotions aside. Tom and Carol worked very hard to bring resolution to this issue, it was the mateel that wouldn't budge or presented counter offers that were simply over the top. Come on, this is a show that the mateel wanted tom dimmick to basically sign his land over in the event the show didn't produce the income the People folks promised it would.

Now again, let's get real here, let's just assume that everything was beautiful between the warring parties and none of this bs surrounded the event. Is there any guarantee that the event would continue to produce the income it had over the next 9 years. NO, there isn't. Would it be a reasonable thing to expect the land owner to sign over his property to the beneficiary of the event guaranteeing something he had no control over.

Again, the mateel stonewalled all the offers presented and then blame it on tom dimmick for being unreasonable. Everyone needs to step back and try to look at this situation from a business perspective without all the politics and emotions. If you do, I think you'll have no choice but to agree with my point of view. I see poor business decisions and tunnel vision on the part of the board.

I think the folks running the mateel lost sight of what their job as board members really is. Their job is to secure financially the future of the community center. The fact that the folks at the mateel still feel the value of their trademark is worth so much, either says, they really don't have a clue or they are using this concept as a smoke screen to justify their irresponsible actions over the past 6 months.

The fact that using the name reggae rising on the print material is what seems to be the final deal breaker is really amazing to me....Again it makes no sense to me, how or why the mateel would refuse that, based on all the market confusion that currently exists surrounding this event.

I have heard that people productions have already distributed ten's of thousands of brochures regarding reggae rising...the only way to insure a successful show at this point would be to have both names on the flyer. the mateel's position that that just sets up the "take over" for next year is really ludicrous. The name reggae on the river is so damaged at this point, that it's value that the mateel struggles so hard to protect is really irrelevant at this point.

The mateel may own the trademark ROTR, but the folks at people own the spirit, and that issue can be argued all day and my opinion will not change. The fact that the mateel tries to claim that spirit is again ridiculous to me. Yes the mateel has funded the show over the years, but it has been a team effort, and if it were not for the folks at people producing a world class event, the funds would not have been there and the whole arguement about the ten's of thousands of dollars the mateel has invested in this show wouldn't be there and there would be no show and no funds and no problems (am I the only one who sees it like this??). Without Carol Bruno and PB, the event would not be what it has become today (or yesterday).

Again, the mateel has spent this communities money on a lawsuit that could have been settled months ago, and that settlement would have taken care of the mateel's financial needs for at least the next 9 years... and I may add, that it would have done that in a way where the mateel would have been taking on none of the risk it had assumed in the past, ie; tom dimmick was going to take on the risk of funding the show, not the mateel, big difference.

My understanding is that in the past, the mateel took on the financial risk, but in the new proposals and offers, it would be the producer taking on the risk. doesn't it make sense that the entity bearing the financial risk should get more than an entity not bearing any risk???

It is sad our community can't seem to come together on this issue, and I'm not sure how our community will rebound from this, but I hope somehow some way, healing happens...

This is one of the first people to REALLY sum up the situation > Thanks
I also don't agree with everything said, but I do appreciate the thoughtful approach.

And you should know that Brian typed his post with two fingers!
the 1 thing that was left out is without the RR interference none of this would have ever happend

this was a well calculated takeover plane from the beginning, and it will put PP in a new light, as the money hungry cooperate takeover artist they are, if you cant win peacefully take by force, PP have USED the less than savy MCC for many years, it is sad to see that, peoples want and need for a reggae show could out way the morals and ethics of right from wrong, you, in your letter state, that it is not the commisions place to judge the morality of the issue, so you too agree that there are some serious moral issues here, but regardless of it all, in my oppinion PP have just cemented their place as coorperate bablyon, i will no longer be able to remember the good cause this travisty out ways any amount of good they have previosly done, i read awhile back a very intersting anon comment, it said something like,
i believe that if this was all taking place 25 years ago, carol would be fighting her future self, to help save the MCC,
i would like to believe that money doesnt control people but i may be wrong
I do want to add to what the poster said.

When this whole issue started my leaning was definitely towards supporting the MCC. As the whole thing developed, that became more and more difficult. They made a number of decisions that to me make no sense.

First - and most important: The relationship between the MCC and People’s Production was obviously not good and hadn’t been good for a long time. Neither side was happy. That the MCC felt that it was time to make a change was quite understandable. What I cannot for the life of me understand is when that decision was made, why did the MCC board not reach out to Tom and the volunteer coordinators and explain what they wanted to do? By taking that simple step, so much of this would have been avoided. By keeping that decision secret until after they had taken the loan from 2B1 they put themselves in a position from which they never recovered. It’s not that they didn’t have the right to make that decision, but that the way they carried it out was disastrous.

In the case of the volunteer coordinators, most of them had put years of work into making ROTR. I think they deserved the courtesy of being a part of that process, at least from an advisory capacity.

In Tom’s case, the reasoning is far, far more compelling. If something bad happens at ROTR. Tom is the one who will face the greatest risk. No one is going to sue the MCC, they have no money. Suing People’s Productions isn’t as futile, but they aren’t worth all that much either. Tom is the deep-pocket. He has a whole lot of land that he stands to lose if someone does something stupid. He had every right to be a part of that process. Presenting him with this fait accompli was IMHO, a monumental error.

Second: As time went on, the MCC’s bargaining position got weaker and weaker, yet they never made any attempt to do anything to improve that position. Their communications remained negative. The made decisions in private when it suited them. They failed to take action promptly when they needed to, stating that the community’s approval would be needed to act, particularly in issues of possible settlements.

And as the settlement offers became less and less attractive, they became more and more recalcitrant. By the time the final offer was made, there really was no need for Tom or People Productions to offer them anything at all. And their final demand, the one that brought down the whole house of cards – the name, would have been much easier to swallow had it been made known to be non-negotiable, before all the time and money had been put into promoting the event.

Finally, they are staking the future of ROTR and quite possibly their own viability on a legal case that, so far, has gone very poorly for them. As near as I can tell, the judge is advising them that this is an issue that can be settled monetarily. Going to court to force Tom Dimmick to use his land for something he has stated he does not want does not strike me as a very wise strategy. Investing capital in trying to prevail through the planning commission and/or Board of Supervisors seems down-right futile.

Finally, their communications with the community and more specifically other non-profits was quite damaging. Everything coming out of the MCC was one sided. Their seemed to be no attempts at dialogue and when there were attempts to engage the MCC, they were ignored. The only people who still appear to be on their side are those that look at this as a “David vs. Goliath” fight. No one appears to be supporting the MCC, what is being supported is their cause.

I’m writing this in the hopes that someone in a decision making capacity will take the time to look at how they got here, what they need to do to get out, and what they need to change. I don’t know what the future holds for the center. It doesn’t look very bright. I hope that Tom and People Productions can look in their heart of hearts and help the MCC out, but I certainly can understand if the choose not to under these circumstances.

I have posted a few times in the past and I have gotten threats, so I prefer to remain anonymous.
I thought this was well written. I have been checking in on blogs and MCC'c site but this is the first time that I felt need to comment. It is so sad that our communtiy is so angry with those with differing opinions? Where do we live? Don't we consider ourselves open minded? Tom Dimick isn't greedy folks- he is wise. He doesn't want our community to suffer. I read the post on the Mateels website this morning with my mouth open. How can they say that they tried and tried when it is obvious that they are not concerned for any non-prophet but themselves? And why does everyone get so angry with neighbors who have differing views? Breathe all you angry folks. Please stop fueling the fire.
I also appreciated the non-embedded, "neutral" views of the poster. I feel that the only community elder with good business sense who was on the board (Jimmy Dangler) had to retire from the board, due to the stroke he suffered a couple of years ago. Had he not suffered such a set-back in his health, he would still be on the board, and I am sure he would have given the MCC the guidance which would have avoided the current situation.

I was speaking to Jimmy's wife on the phone several weeks ago, and I mentioned that I hoped Jimmy was not reading all of this negative BS in the press. Barbara let me know that he has, indeed, been following this sad saga. While he lacks the motor skills to express his comments, he reads what everyone else says, and he is really sad about what has transpired. I'm really sad about it, too.
It is nice to hear a voice of clarity. I feel there are many in the community that feel the same way.
A savvy businessman, as Tom is purported to be, could surely figure out a way to indemnify himself against lawsuits if "something happened at Reggae on the River". A good insurance policy would have done that.

The confusion over names argument seems like a red herring when one takes into account the following point put forward in May 15th letter from The Mateel's attorney to PP's attorney.

"My clients are not interested in assisting in the promotion of a competing event and will not agree to the use of any competing trademark and in particular, the “Reggae Rising” label in the promotion of the event. The Mateel is, however, willing to address your client’s fears. They will provide a $20.00 credit toward any sums owed by your client to the Mateel including infrastructure when those sums are finally determined for the amount of tickets left unsold for the 2007 event."

Over the course these negotiations there seems to have been a slash and burn policy (which continues unabated to this day) by PP supporters to lay all the blame on The Mateel and specifically the ED.

PP has amassed a loyal following over the years. These followers seeing their golden egg in danger of breaking have signed on to what many Mateel supporters consider a "hostile takeover". While misguided it isn't hard to understand why they have gone along with it.
These supporters would have those who have no horse in this race believe that the courts have ruled in their favor. Those with a modicum of legal knowledge realize that this is not so.

To one on the outside looking in it is difficult not to see the events surrounding this takeover as well planned out.
I don't really agree that a good insurance is the way to go about idemnifying Tom against a lawsuit. The best way is to mitigate the possible causes. IF, and I repeat IF, Tom felt that having Boots produce the show was a risk, then it would be good judgement for him to refuse to permit it.

This presumes that is his rational and you maintain it is not, and that could. If there is a take-over, that will come out in trial and I will withhold judgement util that time.

I know some of PP's followers, and I agree, they are very loyal. Personally I don't share their loyalty. But I have trmendous respect for them as people who are very dedicated to the community and the community center. They honestly don't feel they are participating in a takeover. They could be wrong, and again time will tell.

There is a great deal of anymosity towards the MCC and their ED by PP's staff, and there has been for quite a while. Again, I would prefer to withhold judgement. In the case of Taunya, her responsiblity is to execute the decisions of the board. She serves at their pleasure, not ours. IMHO, if she is doing that to their satisfaction, she deserves to stay.

Having said that, I do strongly feel that the MCC has made some really bad decisions. I don't see a need to call for anyone's head, but I have no problem whatsoever stating I feel that way.

As regards the lawsuit. I was the person who made the original posting(s) you refer to. Please understand that I am NOT one of the people who believes that the horse race is over. I uite agree with your that the judges refusal to grant an injunction or a summary judgement has no bearing on the merits of the case.

You stated, "Those with a modicum of legal knowedge realize that this [the horserace is over] is not so." I would add that those with a modicum of legal knowedge realize that the MCC is entitled to relief.

I think that the part of my posting[s] that you took offense to was when I stated that I didn't think the cancelling of the festival would increase the chances for a larger award.

Please understand the context for making that statement. When the question of why the festival was cancelled is addressed in court (and it will be), the respondent is going to take out the letter where the MCC ended negotiations and the MCC is going to have to answer to why they made that decision. And they made it over the name. And the monetary vale of that name is going to be very difficult to determine by a jury. And they could very well decline to do so. In no way did I mean to say that the MCC's case was based on that single fact.

Please believe that I enter into this dialoge with the highest of regards for your view and opinion. Your assertion that this is a takeover certainly has evidence to support it, and it may indeed to be shown to be true. Cooler heads and wiser minds than those on other blogs feel the same way.

Just as certainly, the MCC has done things to undermine their position.

And just as certainly we (all of us) can see both points of view.

Most Respectfully.
I just wanted to put in my 2cents.....Thank you to this poster for putting an opinion out there that can clearly sum up this ugly situation....With so much info being spread out there it can get confusing....

1.) Tom Dimmick---He has made a wise choice---who in their right mind would allow this magnitude of an event occur on their land by a promoter who has ZERO experience doing so-and down't have the staff, coordinators or volunteers with the experience either--I am sure he had only recently agreed to do this because of PP's extensive expertise and successfull past events---GO TOM!!!

2.) Carol Bruno--You are an AWESOME woman---for all you have done for this festival in the past, present and will still do in the future---you deserve what rewards you reap---if it wasn't for you there would be no ROTR or RR.....Keep up the good work

3.) ROTR/RR Staff, Coordinators and Volunteers---You are also ALL awesome---for the same reasons stated above----if it wasn't for you there would be no event---and because of you REGGAE RISING will continue in the same tradition....for the community

4.) People Productions-didn't PP come into existence only because it was decided by the Board of the MCC that they didn't want to be a festival producer? And so why are they surprised that the producer of the festival has become successful and actually making $$$ at it? Is it because they didn't want to take any risk...and now they are upset that the "people" that did are now getting rewarded for their risk? It seems to me that they let someone else do all the work.....and now want to get paid more $$$ for other "peoples" efforts....cum on now.....

5.) Mateel---you make claims of accounting inproprieties--however have never shown any suppoting documentation---and claim that its because PP will not disclose the books---if you haven't seen the books what makes you think there have been wrong doings? Because you got no $$ last year?'s not cheap to produce an event at a new took 23 years of investing in the old site to make it what it was...what did that cost? I'm sure it was a lot less than what was put out last year (ONE year of excess expenses....)OH--that's right you don't want any risk---I get it
Bob honestly you post comments like the previous ones yet 'censor' ones that are far less one sided.

I only want to comment on one of the comments from the previous post:

"and now they are upset that the "people" that did are now getting rewarded for their risk? It seems to me that they let someone else do all the work.....and now want to get paid more $$$ for other "peoples" effort"

curious how you figure "people" had ANY of the risk in previous years....ALL seed money came upfront from the Mateel...why do you think last year EVERYONE made a profit EXCEPT for the Mateel, including PP, Paul Bassis, Tom Dimmick, The Artist, Port-o-potty people, EVERYONE except the Mateel who bore the ENTIRE financial risk of the show....MATEEL not 'people' were the ones WHO paid for the site move, who paid for the site infrastructure, who put up all of the seed money upfront, that is why the show has always been billed as the "Mateel Community Center Presents" because THEY bare all of the risk....Maybe you should be the one to stop spreading "With so much info being spread out there it can get confusing...."

just wanted to make some things clear to you since you are so concerned with all of the false and confusing info out there.....seems you are spreading gospel you have no basis for......
wanna know why ? 4:34 PM???

bobhumblogger drank the cool-aid
anon 8:23,

First, a spelling correction: I believe you mean Kool-Aid.

I've had a few glasses of Kool-Aid in my day, but not recently and even in my youth, not very often since I've alway been more of a lemon-aid type guy.

Of course I realize that you are another person casually referencing the tragedy of Jonestown, a seriously complex fucked-up mass suicide that few people take the time to try to understand.

That said, a: Every time I hear that phrase I find the analogy repugnant. And b: I'm not sure I get your meaning. I suppose it's your way of saying you disagree with some position I have not taken.
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