Thursday, July 12, 2007
Reggae War is Over! (if you want it)

The SoHum "Clash over Reggae"® just gets more and more bizarre, lately lurching from tragedy into farce. I found this note from local politi-organizer Paul Encimer buried in the comments over at the strange Mateel partisan site, Reggae War Justice Watch.
Nonviolence on the River will meet again at Tooby Park outside Garberville on Saturday July 21 from 11 am till 2 PM. The previous workshop on July 7 focused on the theoretical – defining nonviolence, consensus and affinity group formation as well as establishing a Southern Humboldt Workshop in Nonviolence to provide ongoing background and preparation in nonviolence.
The workshop on July 21 will take a more action oriented approach. In particular, Reggae Uprising activists will be offering scenarios and role-playing around possible events in Piercy the first week-end of August should the county or courts allow a local corporation allied with a landowner to usurp a community owned event. After some preliminary discussion and agenda setting, the nonviolence workshop will move to the nearby river for scenarios and role playing.
This will be a Nonviolent Navy Potluck so bring something capable of floating you, and perhaps others, on the river. For safety and solidarity, these floating elements – inner tubes, small rafts & boats, rubber and plastic pool creatures – will be linked together. The result will be what organizers have dubbed: FloatZilla. Good swimmers are needed, too.
Other scenarios - for those adverse to water sports - can be entertained meanwhile on the beach. These include the formation of a Critical Mass contingent, various in-town and on-site Reggae Truth Booths, and additional forms of protest.
Organizers from the Congressional Accountability Project will be on the beach as well, to provide updates on the campaign to end funding of the war, keeping our troops at home and impeaching the war criminals.
Activities have included Monday vigils at Rep. Mike Thompson’s offices in Eureka and Ft.Bragg from 10 am on, regular civil disobedience at these offices, phone and email campaigns to Senators and Congressmembers and, in late September, a march on Washington D.C and the occupation of the Congress while in session, with simultaneous local actions. Bring snacks and drinks to share. For more info call Paul at 923-4488 or contact
Okay, am I the only one who sees twisted irony in an anti-war activist mounting a naval attack as part of a war on Reggae? The fact that he's doing so while somehow trying to cling to his anti-war roots turns the whole thing into something bordering on true satire, which I must say is something I find in short supply when it comes to the rantings of the mysterious Reggae Warrior.
Side note to Mr. Taylor, or whatever your name is: posting comments on local sites unrelated to Reggae with invitations to your site is tantamount to spam. And if you must do so, you might want to think about leaving the @ out of the web address.
Labels: reggae war spam
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You know, I'd really have no problem with people floating down the river with placards, as long as they agreed to stay in the water (if there is any water). Some of the guests might even find it interesting and enhancing to their experience of Humboldt. I was afraid when they first started talking about NVDA that they were talking sitting on the road and making the traffic worse and more dangerous than it is.
Personally, you have done more harm to the Mateel's case than any other reporter simply by inserting your not-that-well-informed opinion into your titles. Do the work and research and then you can challenge the other ones who are trying to do something Bob.
Mr. or Ms. 1:22 writes:
"you have done more harm to the Mateel's case than any other reporter simply by inserting your not-that-well-informed opinion into your titles."
Are you referring to the title of this post? My intent was to add a touch of irony to the proceedings, but those who are intent on continuing this war are apparently immune to irony unless it's the (and I quote) "HIGHLY OFFENSIVE" sort.
"Do the work and research and then you can challenge the other ones who are trying to do something Bob."
Forgive me for being defensive (it's my nature) but do you have any idea how well-informed I am regarding the past, present and future of Reggae? How many hours I've spent on the phone and in person talking with those on both sides, public officials and so on?
You worry that I might be doing harm to the Mateel's "case" -- which is what exactly at this point? If you're talking about the court case, I don't see that anything I have to say has an effect on it. If you're talking about the court of public opinion, I'd say the Mateel's rabid supporters are doing far more damage than anyone.
Personally, I'm tired of seeing my neighbors to the south at each other's throats. What purpose does all the sniping do at this point? Like it or not, Reggae Rising is moving forward. The war aimed at stopping it is over. The war of words dividing your community could be over too, at least for the time being -- if you want it.
"you have done more harm to the Mateel's case than any other reporter simply by inserting your not-that-well-informed opinion into your titles."
Are you referring to the title of this post? My intent was to add a touch of irony to the proceedings, but those who are intent on continuing this war are apparently immune to irony unless it's the (and I quote) "HIGHLY OFFENSIVE" sort.
"Do the work and research and then you can challenge the other ones who are trying to do something Bob."
Forgive me for being defensive (it's my nature) but do you have any idea how well-informed I am regarding the past, present and future of Reggae? How many hours I've spent on the phone and in person talking with those on both sides, public officials and so on?
You worry that I might be doing harm to the Mateel's "case" -- which is what exactly at this point? If you're talking about the court case, I don't see that anything I have to say has an effect on it. If you're talking about the court of public opinion, I'd say the Mateel's rabid supporters are doing far more damage than anyone.
Personally, I'm tired of seeing my neighbors to the south at each other's throats. What purpose does all the sniping do at this point? Like it or not, Reggae Rising is moving forward. The war aimed at stopping it is over. The war of words dividing your community could be over too, at least for the time being -- if you want it.
How much you know? From who? PB and his rabid emails? Have you read the complaint? Did you go to the hearings? Your titles are sensationalist and you are smart enough to know that without it being pointed out to you here in my opinion. I have no problem with irony but as a journalist you have a responsibility and I am pointing out I think you are posturing to reap the benefits from the very thing you have written you don't like.
Wha? Are you psychic now? The MCC has a 13 point lawsuit against PP/TD etal, including 50 unamed John and Jane Does! (or is that doze??) The fight ain't over until it's over. Meanwhile, there has been no conpen$ation terms worked out for the use of the thousands of $$$$$ in infrastructure (bridges! and TONS of basic gear) that it takes to put on a huge, "world class"(eye roll), event, like the event.
Bob, by using words like "bizarre", "farce" and "rabid" you paint your reporting with an antagonistic, and unfair hue. You seem to be missing part of the puzzle...or is your puzzle made by the same people that have always made the puzzles?...
Bob, by using words like "bizarre", "farce" and "rabid" you paint your reporting with an antagonistic, and unfair hue. You seem to be missing part of the puzzle...or is your puzzle made by the same people that have always made the puzzles?...
8:05 AM wonders:
How much you know?
Frankly, too much. I don't know who you are since you are anonymous, but I daresay I know more about the history of this conflict than you do.
From who? PB and his rabid emails?
I haven't received any e-mails from P.B. lately, but I have spent hours on the phone with him since all this started. He once accused me of libel and slander. (I respectfully disagreed.)
If you go back and read the story I wrote last November (there's a link to it in the left column of this blog) you will see that I talked with the principal players in this drama early on, including Carol, Taunya, Katherine and Bob Stern for starters.
I have also spent hours on the phone since then with Taunya, with Doug Green, with Boots (not recently) and with various Mateel staffers.
I interviewed Michael Richardson from Planning.
I've talked with booking agents, artists who were supposedly booked at Reggae on the River, and other industry professionals.
I've talked with plenty of coordinators, including one who had decided to work with Boots on the Mateel's ill-fated Reggae on the River then quit. (That's a story I imagine you'd rather not hear.)
I spent maybe half an hour talking about Reggae security with Peter Lawsky yesterday at Blues by the Bay and also ran into Dan Griebe the communications man.
I've talked about this way too much with plenty of private citizens of all stripes on both sides, some of whom admitted to being anon posters on this blog.
Fact is, I've been hearing complaints about the management of Reggae ever since I started attending 15 years ago, before People Productions came into existence. I believe I have a pretty good grasp on the roots of the conflict.
I've also spoken on and off the record with a number of board members, some of whom do not seem to agree that keeping this fight going is such a good idea. One told me in no uncertain terms, "I think we should put Reggae behind us and move on."
Have you read the complaint?
I don't believe anyone has ever sent me the court complaint or the counter, so no, but I know what's in them.
Did you go to the hearings?
Which ones? I sat front row (the media bench) at the first Planning Commission hearing. The second one I watched on TV. Both left me with a bad taste in my mouth so I skipped the third. I attended the first court hearing where the case was postponed.
Okay, have I established the fact that I've done some homework here?
You say, "I think you are posturing to reap the benefits from the very thing you have written you don't like."
I'm not sure I know what benefit I get from any of this. I mostly get crap from anonymous bloggers. I don't get paid by the hour for blogging, in fact it's a distraction from other things I should be spending my time on. Come to think of it, it's time for me to get back to work...
How much you know?
Frankly, too much. I don't know who you are since you are anonymous, but I daresay I know more about the history of this conflict than you do.
From who? PB and his rabid emails?
I haven't received any e-mails from P.B. lately, but I have spent hours on the phone with him since all this started. He once accused me of libel and slander. (I respectfully disagreed.)
If you go back and read the story I wrote last November (there's a link to it in the left column of this blog) you will see that I talked with the principal players in this drama early on, including Carol, Taunya, Katherine and Bob Stern for starters.
I have also spent hours on the phone since then with Taunya, with Doug Green, with Boots (not recently) and with various Mateel staffers.
I interviewed Michael Richardson from Planning.
I've talked with booking agents, artists who were supposedly booked at Reggae on the River, and other industry professionals.
I've talked with plenty of coordinators, including one who had decided to work with Boots on the Mateel's ill-fated Reggae on the River then quit. (That's a story I imagine you'd rather not hear.)
I spent maybe half an hour talking about Reggae security with Peter Lawsky yesterday at Blues by the Bay and also ran into Dan Griebe the communications man.
I've talked about this way too much with plenty of private citizens of all stripes on both sides, some of whom admitted to being anon posters on this blog.
Fact is, I've been hearing complaints about the management of Reggae ever since I started attending 15 years ago, before People Productions came into existence. I believe I have a pretty good grasp on the roots of the conflict.
I've also spoken on and off the record with a number of board members, some of whom do not seem to agree that keeping this fight going is such a good idea. One told me in no uncertain terms, "I think we should put Reggae behind us and move on."
Have you read the complaint?
I don't believe anyone has ever sent me the court complaint or the counter, so no, but I know what's in them.
Did you go to the hearings?
Which ones? I sat front row (the media bench) at the first Planning Commission hearing. The second one I watched on TV. Both left me with a bad taste in my mouth so I skipped the third. I attended the first court hearing where the case was postponed.
Okay, have I established the fact that I've done some homework here?
You say, "I think you are posturing to reap the benefits from the very thing you have written you don't like."
I'm not sure I know what benefit I get from any of this. I mostly get crap from anonymous bloggers. I don't get paid by the hour for blogging, in fact it's a distraction from other things I should be spending my time on. Come to think of it, it's time for me to get back to work...
Anon 11:13 sez, "Bob, by using words like "bizarre", "farce" and "rabid" you paint your reporting with an antagonistic, and unfair hue. You seem to be missing part of the puzzle..."
So I'm not allowed to call 'em as I see 'em? I just find the whole tone of the debate lately rather bizarre, and rabid may be an understatement when we're talking about the so-called Warrior. When it comes down to applying tactics used against MAXXAM and Bush against your neighbors, well I find that farcical. So sue me.
One more thing: This ain't reporting, it's blogging.
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So I'm not allowed to call 'em as I see 'em? I just find the whole tone of the debate lately rather bizarre, and rabid may be an understatement when we're talking about the so-called Warrior. When it comes down to applying tactics used against MAXXAM and Bush against your neighbors, well I find that farcical. So sue me.
One more thing: This ain't reporting, it's blogging.
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