Sunday, July 29, 2007
rejection notice

A couple of comments showed up in my mailbox from the anonymous blogger Reggae Warrior. One merely reiterated a harmless enough factoid in my interview with the Mateel VP: Garth is not Reggae Warrior. I "published" that one, as they say in blogging terminology.
The second was a reposting of RW's comment on the East Bay Express story, "Reggae vs. Reggae." On his own blog, RW pondered an ethical question aloud: EB-Express editor Nate Seltenrich asked if he would reveal his true identity so the paper could publish his comment as a letter to the editor. He chose not to do so, but did not really explain why.
I have chosen to publish excerpts from his post, basically to show why I opted not to put the whole thing up.
[note: image courtesy of The Black Library]
From: Reggae Warrior
Date: July 28, 2007 10:54:26 PM PDT
Subject: [Reggae: Past, Present and Future] New comment on CB Q&A.
Reggae Warrior has left a new comment on your post "CB Q&A":
"One thing I always try to do when I learn of a dispute or conflict is to ask myself: "what happened?" We all know the basic facts...."
This is followed by a long involved analysis of "what happened" with a premise primarily based on a rumored "smoking gun" e-mail that somehow no one has ever been able to produce. Sorry, but allegations you read in anonymous comments in your blog or elsewhere do not pass the "basic facts" test.
RW offers his capsule history of the conflict misstating some facts and coloring the actions of each side based on his preconceived notion of who's right and who's wrong. From there he returns to rumor mongering: " I suspect, but cannot prove other than by the circumstances, that" blah blah blah... "ambiguous e-mail" ... "That may seem" ..."I believe that" ... "it tells me all I need to know" ... "it should tell you the same."
As host and moderator of this blog, my choice was:
"Publish this comment."
"Reject this comment."
I chose rejection since his diatribe violates the simple rule stated above: "anonymous personal attacks and unsubstantiated rumors don’t make it though my filter." It's just my opinion, but I have found that the content on Reggae Warrior anonymous blog is almost exclusively personal attacks and unsubstantiated rumors, and further (IMHO) it ain't funny in the least.
I'm reminded of a speech at that fateful November meeting at the Mateel. Barb Truitt, dismayed at the personal attacks spewed throughout the evening, called for civility and reminded those assembled that things said that night could not be taken back -- and those were words offered in a public forum with faces attached to them. Once the debate went anonymous on the blogs, all hell broke loose and civility was out the window. The flames online proved almost as damaging as the flames of the arsonist who burned down the first Mateel Community Center. The 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love was celebrated with a Summer of Hate in that bastion of hippie values that once called itself the Mateel Nation.
Forgive me for ending on what might seem a trite note, but there's a song that was one of my favorites back in that fabled Summer of Love .
Love is but the song we sing,
And fear's the way we die.
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry.
Know the dove is on the wing
And you need not know why.
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try and love one another right now.
If you hear the song I sing,
You must understand,
You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand.
Just one key unlocks them both;
It's there at your command.
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother,
Everybody get together
Try and love one another right now.
Right now.
Right now!
"Get Together" written by Dino Valente, as sung by The Youngbloods...
Labels: reggae
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Personally I the community has been over the top in flaming comments. What do you expect when people are deeply wronged and no one gives a shit. The stuff floats to the top. Daylight is the best disinfectant when corruption is present. However I have more disillusionment with some of the elitist notions of journalistic integrity appearing that in my view are simply cover for wounded ego. RW's viewpoint is as valid as your personal view you post [and your lack of discretion in posting hype and jive trash marketing for RR] and control here and it is as valid as Eric's. He never has described himself as a expert. And I think he is doing a great service by pushing the absurd. It makes people find their boundaries real quick like. It certainly made me realize that Carol and Tom are just people like the rest of us whether or not I like their business choices.
06.13PM: RW's viewpoints may be valid, and may present truth - but I find the rhetoric obnoxious overall. I don't feel RW is doing more good than bad at this point. I would rather focus on composed adult voices in this matter, not necessarily those who shout loudest.
As I see it, in the blogsphere, Bob and RW have total liberty over their own blogs. They only have a responsibility to themselves as to what entries and comments they choose to publish.
As I see it, in the blogsphere, Bob and RW have total liberty over their own blogs. They only have a responsibility to themselves as to what entries and comments they choose to publish.
anon 6:13, I'm not quite sure what you're saying, maybe you think I'm full of shit. Whatever. I'll point out that on Reggae weekend shit does not float to the top because we all use portapotties. Take that metaphor and run with it.
anon 12:36, You are correct in that as the host of this blog I have totally liberty to do what I please. You want freedom to say whatever you want on a blog? Get your own. There's a button at the top of the page that makes it far too easy.
anon 12:36, You are correct in that as the host of this blog I have totally liberty to do what I please. You want freedom to say whatever you want on a blog? Get your own. There's a button at the top of the page that makes it far too easy.
I disagree. You are a journalist in your real job. You are a public figure in that sense and people whether right or wrong assume that journalistic integrity comes with that role whether or not this blog belongs to you.
Okay, I'll agree, I'm a journalist 24/7. That's how I earn my living. And perhaps I've been at it long enough locally to become a "public figure" whatever that means. So? Does that mean I'm not entitled to voice my own opinion here or elsewhere?
And who the hell are you to question my integrity? Come to think of it, who are you? Another anonymous troll as far as I can tell. I honestly have no idea what I may have said or posted that pissed you off. I'm guessing you are angry at someone or something else, maybe you are feeling powerless in a world where those with power call the shots. Did signing up for this blog give me some significant sort of power in this world? I don't think so. If I had power all the fussing and fighting down SoHum way would have stopped a long time ago.
And who the hell are you to question my integrity? Come to think of it, who are you? Another anonymous troll as far as I can tell. I honestly have no idea what I may have said or posted that pissed you off. I'm guessing you are angry at someone or something else, maybe you are feeling powerless in a world where those with power call the shots. Did signing up for this blog give me some significant sort of power in this world? I don't think so. If I had power all the fussing and fighting down SoHum way would have stopped a long time ago.
I am not angry and I hope I am not feeling powerless. I have written for public consumption before. And the intent is to remind you of that position in the world since in my opinion you rather denied that you had that obligation. Yet seemed to imply that RW should follow some standard. Had you not taken RW on and critiqued his form of opinion in what I considered a snide shot I wouldn't have posted. I think he makes it clear that he is "on a side" and his viewpoint is his own and his direction is to find out more information.
Are you saying because I'm a journalist I'm not allowed to be snide or offer a critique of some blogger? Bullshit.
As far as holding RW to some standard, well, he can write whatever he wants. That doesn't mean I have to post his writings here.
And regarding standards, look around the Web a little bit, you'll see that there are no standards in place. Anarchy rules, which is the beauty of the Internet and its curse.
Yes, you can say anything you want, but is it the right thing to do? Do you really think RW's personal war has some sort of positive effect? If so what? I could go on, but I actually have other work to do right now. Can you guess what I'm working on?
As far as holding RW to some standard, well, he can write whatever he wants. That doesn't mean I have to post his writings here.
And regarding standards, look around the Web a little bit, you'll see that there are no standards in place. Anarchy rules, which is the beauty of the Internet and its curse.
Yes, you can say anything you want, but is it the right thing to do? Do you really think RW's personal war has some sort of positive effect? If so what? I could go on, but I actually have other work to do right now. Can you guess what I'm working on?
Bob, RW is making an honest pursuit to understand this conflict. His letter is an interpretion of events and evidence as he sees it. He is well aware of the lack of sourcing solid evidence and this is part of the intent of his blog. Remember facts do not stand alone but it is the order and patterns we put them in that lead to the truth. Could you do better? I hope you find your truth on this conflict and will not be afraid to post it. Fear of your own opinion will keep you from the truth and maybe self-destructive. Carol will not think twice about pulling your pass if you wrong her before the show. Please keep an open mind. I know you as a capable journalist. Your story will be better if you find your place as a public figure in this conflict which is no easy task and you are not alone. Does this festival embrace the values and principles of this community or the Summer of Love? Is this a change for the better? Keep these thoughts in mind and I would like to read your reflections after the show. Much thanks for your hard earned prespective.
You would find RW's blogging funny if you were from here. It is just the comic relief we need as to not take ourselves too seriously.
Chill out, we still consider ourselves to be the Mateel Nation, 'Yankee reporters go a-hunting...' Long live Jim Deerhawk
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